Family Services Sample Clauses

Family Services. Services may include but are not limited to case management, psychoeducational groups and other support services for a family experiencing homelessness to link, retain and support in care.
Family Services. Vendor shall provide assessment and consultation on issues such as, parenting, adoption, child and elder care, special needs, disability, disaster relief, and personal & convenience services. For an unlimited number of issues, Vendor shall provide unlimited telephonic assessment and consultation through a toll-free line, three (3) to five (5) local referrals, and resources and information relevant to the Participant’s needs.
Family Services. Plan and arrange school orientation sessions. Assist with the design and implementation of parent orientation sessions. Field and respond to incoming calls, letters, faxes, and e-mails received by K12 about the Program, its curriculum, the application/enrollment process, instructional materials, etc. Help facilitate the creation of a parent manual and/or student handbook.
Family Services. AIDS/Hepatitis C education.
Family Services. CONTRACTOR shall provide education and support for participants’ families, including referrals and linkages to services. 3535 educational/skill-building workshops/groups for two (2) or more participants that focus on educational 3636 topics and/or teach a skill to participants. Topics can include but are not limited to behavioral health 3737 well-being and physical health management. Workshops/groups shall be held throughout the County at 3434
Family Services. CONTRACTOR shall provide for supervision and oversight, including training, of family services through a mentoring program called Mentor Moms/Dads (for biological parents). CONTRACTOR shall provide program supervision through MCSTART’s Director of Clinical and Mentoring Services. i. Xxxxxx Xxxx and Dads (for biological parents) i. CONTRACTOR shall provide coordination and support for the Mentor Moms/Dads Program through a full-time Mentor Moms/Dads Coordinator also responsible for reviewing assignments and supervision logs monthly. Data collected is to be forwarded on a monthly basis to DSS. a. CONTRACTOR shall provide COUNTY with all documents regarding the program which should include but not limited to: i. Program Statement and Overview ii. Program Expectations for Mentors iii. An overview of Mentor training prior to and ongoing ii. CONTRACTOR shall provide the following training: a. Mentor Moms/Dads Basic Training – CONTRACTOR shall provide up to two (2) sessions, with six (6) hours of training per session. These sessions provide additional training and support services to biological parents who have successfully reunified with their children and are now providing mentoring services to other biological parents who are receiving reunification services. iii. Mentor Moms/Dads Meetings –CONTRACTOR shall provide at least eight (8) and up to twelve (12) meetings, with one and one half (1 ½) hours of training/support per session. These sessions provide additional training and support services to biological parents who have successfully reunified with their children and who now provide mentoring services to biological parents who are receiving family reunification services. iv. Mentor Moms/Dads 1-on-1 Mentoring – CONTRACTOR shall provide face-to-face monthly contact for biological parents who are receiving family reunification services. Contact may be conducted with children present for more direct support, education or supervision. If children are present, appropriate supervision is also facilitated. Additional contact training via telephone, internet, or e-mail is also budgeted.
Family Services. The Provider must offer a menu of free family support at no cost to the families throughout the year. The menu must be informed by an evidenced assessment of need in the local area. The services must be provided in easily accessible venues throughout the reach area. A small charge can be made for additional services such as family film nights and baby massage so long as there is evidence that this does not disadvantage lower income families. The menu of free family support must include: • A delivery point for information, advice and guidance, including advice on benefits, debt , housing and employment/training opportunitiesTraining and support for the development of skills for employment • Targeted programmes to support families experiencing particular challenges such as domestic abuse, drug and alcohol abuse, depression and families on the edge of care • Tailored programmes for priority groups • Family services provided by the Children’s Centre for all children accessing free early education for eligible two year olds at private, voluntary and independent early years settings within the reach area • Evidence based parenting programmes e.g. Mellow Parenting, Incredible Years.
Family Services. We will not provide benefits for services provided by your immediate family.
Family Services. Plan and arrange school orientation sessions; represent the Program at conferences and other events. Field and respond to incoming calls, letters, faxes, and e-mails about the Program, its curriculum, the application/enrollment process, instructional materials, etc. Conduct focus groups, surveys, interviews, observation sessions, and/or user testing on the learning management system to obtain feedback on how to improve the Program and curriculum, as appropriate. Create “feedback buttons” on lessons so that Students, their parents, and teachers may submit comments and suggestions; respond to suggestions and implement improvements where K12 deems them to be valuable. Conduct exit interviews with those Students and their parents who withdraw in order to learn more about how to improve the program for Students. Create and distribute a parent manual and/or student handbook which includes a starting kit for logging onto the learning management system. Assist with the design and implementation of parent orientation sessions.
Family Services. Purpose Scope of Work