Examples of HCFA in a sentence
The state requires us to submit outpatient claims for patients that receive outpatient surgical or radiological services, by quarter year, gathered from a form called an UB92, in a standard government format called HCFA 837 EDI electronic claim format.
However, the coverage issues and policies maintained by the Centers for Medicare & Medicare Services [CMS, formerly HCFA] are updated and/or revised periodically.
Claims eligible for payment must meet the following requirements:• The inmate was incarcerated on the date of service• Referral and Prior Authorization processes were followed, if applicable Paper claims must be submitted on standard CMS1500 (HCFA) and CMS1450 (UB04) red claim forms.
Please confirm with your Provider Relations Department that the following information is current in our files: • Practitioner or Provider Name (as noted on current W-9 form)• National Provider Identifier (NPI)• Tax Identification Number (TIN)• Taxonomy Code• Physical location address (as noted on current W-9 form)• Billing name and address (if different) Providers must bill with their NPI number in box 24Jb on the CMS1500 (HCFA) or box 56 on the CMS1450 (UB04).
The state requires us to submit inpatient claims, by quarter year, gathered from a form called an UB92, in a standard government format called HCFA 837 EDI electronic claim format.