Examples of Head of Centre in a sentence
Consideration will be given to family circumstances.Parents are welcome to contact the school at any time to arrange an appointment to discuss any matter with the class teacher, Depute Head, Head Teacher or Head of Centre.
Parents are welcome to contact the school at any time to arrange an appointment to discuss any matter with the class teacher, Depute Head, Head Teacher or Head of Centre.
Notifications to DSL and senior leadershipWhenever a form is first submitted or updated, CPOMs will send an automated email notification to all those with DSL responsibility for the Centre where the concern has been raised, including the Executive Head of Centre and the TLG Safeguarding Lead.
Staff are encouraged to share with their manager or Executive Head of Centre any low-level concerns they have about another adult working in the Centre.
The provision of staff on results days is the responsibility of the Head of Centre.
If malpractice is suspected/discovered prior to the signing of declarations of authentication it is the responsibility of the Head of Centre, acting on behalf of Edexcel, to carry out an investigation.
The Head of Centre must make a request for an appeal within 20 working days of the date of the letter from CILEx confirming the decision and sanctions to be applied.
In advance of making a decision to withdraw from the delivery of CILEx qualifications, the Head of Centre should notify the CILEx Centre Accreditation Co-ordinator of its possible intentions.
The Head of Centre is entitled to appeal a decision to withdraw or suspend centre accreditation which has been imposed on the centre as a result of a risk-based intervention/investigation except in cases whereby the withdrawal or suspension of accreditation is related to financial or legal reasons.
The Senior Leadership Team will consider both the subject and centre outcomes based on the evidence available.The Head of Centre will submit a declaration on behalf of the centre.