Examples of Head Start program performance standards in a sentence
These priorities are: revision of the Head Start program performance standards, designation renewal (re-competition), family engagement, and redesign of the Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) system including six National Centers.
Supplier investment shares carry voting rights in relation to director elections only.
These elements include: n Transparency, n Ensuring that child oral health care is in the marketplace and assuring appropriate support for reimbursed care (not charity care), n Local planning and local implementation, n Tied to Head Start program performance standards, n Comprehensiveness of Head Start oral health program, and n Distribution of materials and disseminating best practices and protocols.
Although all of the programs are required to meet the Head Start program performance standards, services are tailored to the needs of the local communities.To provide context for the evaluation design issues discussed in this report, we begin by describing the major characteristics and features of Head Start programs, highlighting the ones that are common to most programs, as well as the ones that generally vary among programs.
Instead, documentation of accreditation or meeting Head Start program performance standards is accepted as evidence of complying with QRIS standards at a specified rating level (typically the highest one or two levels).