Health care benefit definition
Examples of Health care benefit in a sentence
Health care benefit programs issued or administered by Capital BlueCross and/or its subsidiaries, Capital Advantage Insurance Company®, Capital Advantage Assurance Company® and Keystone Health Plan® Central.
Health care benefit cost increases for the same or an equivalent plan that are shared by the employee and the employer in the same proportion as health care benefit costs are shared in the previous year.SECTION 38.
Health care benefit managers acting as intermediaries between carriers, health care providers, and patients exercise broad discretion to affect health care services recommended and delivered by providers and the health care choices of patients.
Health care benefit programs require providers such as HCA to keep written medical records that accurately reflect patient histories, pertinent findings, examination and test results, and recommendations for services to be rendered.
Except for employees in a totally grant-funded position, all earned vacation time will be paid upon termination of employment up to a maximum of 240 hours.
Health care benefit coverage under such Plan is provided only for the term of Agreement.
PhaseTimingDescriptionPhase I2018I/DD Targeted HCBS and I/DD populations are moved under the 1115 Demonstration (July) I/DD population transition to Health Homes (July) New I/DD-led Mainstream Managed Care Plans (Early Adopters) begin operation as Mainstream Managed Care Plan (Health care benefit only, no IDD services)1Phase II2019Early adopter I/DD Specialized Managed Care Plans may begin voluntary enrollment with I/DD benefit.
Health care benefit programs issued or administered by Capital BlueCross and/or its subsidiaries, Capital Advantage Insurance Company®, Capital Advantage Assurance Company® and Keystone Health Plan®Central.
Health care benefit is the most preferred reward for any employee of any organization.
Health care benefit program means “any public or private plan or contract, affecting commerce, under which any medical benefit, item, or service is provided to any individual.” 18 U.S.C. § 24.