Eligible Dependents Sample Clauses

Eligible Dependents a. Employee’s Legal Spouse b. Employee’s qualified domestic partner c. Employee’s child to age 26 d. Employee’s Disabled Child who is: (1) over age 26, i. Unmarried; and,
Eligible Dependents a. Employee’s Legal Spouse b. Employee’s qualified domestic partner c. Employee’s unmarried child who is: (1) Under age 19; or (2) Age 19, or above, but under age 24; and, i. Resides with the Employee for more than 50% of the year excluding time living at school; and, ii. Receives at least 50% of support from Employee; and, iii. Is enrolled and attends school on a full-time basis, as defined by the school. d. Employee’s Disabled Child who is: (1) Over age 19, i. Unmarried; and,
Eligible Dependents. A Member’s eligible Dependents are their lawful spouse and Dependent children. An eligible dependent shall include a) any child born out of wedlock, b) a child not claimed as a dependent on the parentsfederal income tax return and c) a child who does not reside with the parent or within the Plan’s service area. All newborn infants’ Coverage shall commence from and after the moment of birth. Adopted children and stepchildren shall be covered from and after the date of placement. Except as stated above, Dependents shall be eligible for coverage on the first day of the next month from the date the Subscriber is eligible for coverage, or on the day the Subscriber acquires such Dependent, whichever is later. In a case where a parent is eligible for the coverage, the Plan shall a) permit the parent to enroll under the Plan any child who is otherwise eligible to enroll for that coverage, without regard to any enrollment period restrictions, b) enroll the child, if parent fails to do so, upon presentation of the court order or request by the district attorney, the other parent or person having custody. California has legalized registered domestic partnerships for same-sex and opposite-sex couples. In order for two individuals to be considered domestic partners in California, they must be in an intimate, committed relationship and file a Declaration of Domestic Partnership with the California Secretary of State. When the declaration is filed, the following requirements must also be fulfilled: • Each individual is at least 18 years of age, unless consent is given from the minor’s parent or guardian; • Neither individual is related by blood in any way that would prevent marriage in the state; • Neither individual is married, or in another domestic partnership with another individual; • Both individuals are of the same sex or, if the individuals are of the opposite-sex, at least one person is over 62 years of age; and • Both individuals are capable of consenting to a domestic partnership. Dependents shall also include all children under the age of 26 years. Coverage shall not terminate at age 26 while a Dependent child is and continues to be: • Incapable of self-sustaining employment by reason of mental retardation or physical handicap; and • Chiefly dependent upon the subscriber for support and maintenance provided the subscriber furnishes proof of such incapacity and dependency to CDN within 31 days of the child attaining the limiting age set forth above, and ever...
Eligible Dependents. For this plan, a Member’s eligible Dependents are their Dependent children. An eligible dependent shall include a) any child born out of wedlock, b) a child not claimed as a dependent on the parentsfederal income tax return and c) a child who does not reside with the parent or within the Plan’s service area. All newborn infants’ Coverage shall commence from and after the moment of birth. Adopted children and stepchildren shall be covered from and after the date of placement. Except as stated above, Dependents shall be eligible for coverage on the first day of the next month from the date the Subscriber is eligible for coverage, or on the day the Subscriber acquires such Dependent, whichever is later. Dependents shall also include all children up to age 19 who are chiefly dependent on the subscriber for support and maintenance. Coverage shall not terminate while a Dependent child is and continues to be: • Incapable of self-sustaining employment by reason of mental retardation or physical handicap; and • Chiefly dependent upon the subscriber for support and maintenance provided the subscriber furnishes proof of such incapacity and dependency to CDN within 31 days of the child attaining the limiting age set forth above, and every two years thereafter, if requested by CDN. • In a case where a parent is required by a court or administrative order to provide coverage for a child the Plan shall not disenroll or eliminate coverage unless a) the employer has eliminated coverage for all employees, b) the Plan is provided with satisfactory written evidence that either the court order or administrative order is no longer in effect, or c) the child is or will be enrolled in another or comparable plan that will take effect no later than the effective date of the child’s disenrollment.
Eligible Dependents. An eligible Dependent is an individual who has been listed by the Subscriber on the Marketplace Application and has been determined by the Marketplace to be eligible to purchase a QHP as a dependent on the Subscriber’s Agreement, except that a Subscriber who is under the age of 21 as of January 1st of the Agreement Year shall not be entitled to enroll any other individual as a dependent on such Agreement.
Eligible Dependents. If you are covered, your eligible dependents include: ● your spouse; ● your unmarried children (including stepchildren, adopted children, and children for whom you are a legal guardian; however, xxxxxx children are not included) until the end of the calendar year of the 19th birthday; ● your unmarried children beyond the end of the calendar year of their 19 th birthday to the end of the calendar year of their 25th birthday who are dependent on you for a majority of their support (dependency for tax purposes, as determined by the Internal Revenue Service, is not required); ● your unmarried children beyond the end of the calendar year of the 25th birthday (if covered under this plan at the end of the calendar year of their 25th birthday and continuously thereafter) who are mentally retarded or physically disabled, dependent upon you for a majority of their support and who are incapable of self-sustaining employment by reason of their mental retardation or physical disability. (Under no circumstances will mental illness be considered a cause of incapacity nor will it be considered as a basis for continued coverage.) Please contact BC/BS to obtain the appropriate form to continue coverage; ● your unmarried children beyond the end of the calendar year of their 25th birthday (if covered under this plan at the end of the calendar year of their 25th birthday and continuously thereafter), who are full-time students and dependent on you for a majority of their support; ● your sponsored dependents who are members of your family, either by blood or marriage, who qualify as your dependents under the Internal Revenue Code, were declared as dependents on your federal tax return for the preceding tax year and are continuing in that status for the current tax year. (Children who are no longer eligible for coverage as dependent children cannot be covered as sponsored dependents). It is your responsibility to notify BC/BS and your employer: ● of any change in your employment status; ● when you wish to add a spouse or dependent(s); ● of any change to a dependent’s eligibility for coverage; ● when a spouse or dependent is no longer eligible as defined above. Special health care coverage guidelines apply to you and your spouse at age 65 during your active school employment. You should contact your school business office or BC/BS for complete details. The Social Security Administration should be contacted regarding Medicare enrollment 120 days prior to attaining age 65.
Eligible Dependents. An eligible unit member’s spouse or domestic partner (subject to the eligibility provisions in each summary plan document) or child up to the age of 26.
Eligible Dependents. Eligible dependents, as defined by the plan, include the spouse and dependent children up to age 26 for medical, dental and vision plans. If a dependent becomes medically disabled prior to the age of ineligibility, he/she may continue as a dependent with medical certification. A marriage license, birth certificate, or other document establishing a dependent relationship is required as a condition of dependent coverage. It is the employee’s responsibility to notify the Department of Human Resources of any changes, which may affect a dependent’s eligibility.
Eligible Dependents. The definition of children who are considered eligible dependents under the medical, dental and vision plans is restricted to include: natural children, stepchildren, legally adopted children (including children placed with you for adoption), your grandchildren who live with you and are primarily dependent on you. Opt-out provisions are expanded to include situations in addition to the employee’s spouse working for Amtrak. Anytime during 2008, and during annual open enrollment periods, employees have the option to opt-out of medical care coverage for themselves and their dependents provided they certify that they have health care coverage under another group health plan or health insurance policy that includes medical, prescription drug, and mental health/substance abuse benefits. In the case of an employee whose spouse is also an Amtrak employee covered by XxXxxx, one of them may opt-out and would thereafter be covered as a dependent of the other. Employees who opt-out will not be obligated to pay monthly cost-sharing contributions. Employees who opt-out will continue to have on-duty injury medical coverage, dental, vision, and supplemental sickness coverage, as well as life and AD&D insurance and off-track vehicle insurance. Please note that your opt-out will become effective the month following the month in which you advise Amtrak of your desire to opt out. An employee who opts-out will be able to revoke that election if the employee subsequently loses eligibility under, or there is a termination of employer contributions toward, the other coverage that allowed the employee to make the opt-out election, or if COBRA was the source of such other coverage, that COBRA coverage is exhausted.
Eligible Dependents a. Employee’s legal spouse b. Employee’s qualified domestic partner c. Employee’s unmarried child who is: (1) under age 19; or (2) Age 19, or above, but under age 24; and who i. Resides with the employee for more than 50% of the year, excluding time living at school; and, ii. Receives at least 50% of support from employee; and, iii. Is enrolled and attends school on a full-time basis, as defined by the school. d. Employee’s disabled child who is over age 19, unmarried, and incapable of sustaining employment due to a physical or mental disability that existed prior to the child’s attainment of age 19.