Health Contribution definition
Health Contribution means the contribution paid by the Council to the Care home Provider on behalf of the NHS for the care provided to a Person in respect of their specific health needs which for the avoidance of doubt shall not include the FNC Contribution.
Health Contribution means the sum of £259.46 (two hundred and fifty nine pounds and forty six pence) per Dwelling (the total sum being no more than a maximum of £38,918.67 (thirty eight thousand and nine hundred and eighteen pounds and sixty seven pence) (Indexed Linked (BCIS)) payable in two equal instalments which is paid subject to the Health Contribution Condition
Health Contribution means the sum of £259.46 (two hundred and fifty nine pounds and forty six pence) (Indexed Linked (BCIS)) per Dwelling (the total sum being no more than a maximum of £38,918.67 (thirty eight thousand and nine hundred and eighteen pounds and sixty seven pence)) to be used by the District Council to provide a local GP surgery on the North West Bicester Development to serve the needs of the population that arises as part of the Development
Examples of Health Contribution in a sentence
P - 5District Retiree Health Contribution (RH0) ......................................
The mission of the District Retiree Health Contribution is to contribute to the funding of the District’s other post-employment benefits (OPEB) liabilities.
If in employment while receiving One Parents Family Payment, the recipient is exempt from the Health Contribution Levy irrespective of the level of earnings.
There is no ceiling on the amount of Health Contribution Levy payable.
The Health Contribution levy (tschl_ie) goes to the Department of Health and Children to help pay for health services.
More Definitions of Health Contribution
Health Contribution means the sum of eight hundred pounds (£800) towards the provision of local healthcare facilities in the Council's area
Health Contribution means the sum of £[19,200.00] to be used by the Council solely towards the Health Facilities Contribution Purpose;
Health Contribution means the sum of £X.00 ([insert] pounds) Index Linked and
Health Contribution means the sum of £800( Eight hundred pounds) Index
Health Contribution means the sum of £259.46 (two hundred and fifty nine pounds
Health Contribution means the sum of £6,400.00 (six thousand four hundred