Index Linked definition
Index Linked with respect to an amount at any time, means that the amount is adjusted as at each April 1st commencing April 1, 2015 by:
Index Linked means increased (if appropriate) in proportion to movements in the Index between the date of this Agreement and the date the particular payment is made
Index Linked means the application of the Index to the relevant sum or Contribution in accordance with clause 10;
Examples of Index Linked in a sentence
At the time of such request, Project Co will make a payment to the Authority in the amount of $35,000 (Index Linked) against its obligation under this Section 16.5. After the Authority renders its decision, the Authority will either refund any over payment or invoice Project Co for any additional amounts owing under this Section 16.5 and Project Co will promptly pay such amount to the Authority.
More Definitions of Index Linked
Index Linked or “Indexed” or “Index Linking” means adjusted from the date of this Agreement in accordance with the BCIS All-In Tender Price Index by multiplying in each case the payment due by a fraction whose denominator shall be the last All-In Tender Price Index monthly figure published before the date of this Agreement and whose numerator shall be the last published BCIS All-In Tender Price Index monthly figure available before the date on which payment is due but which for the avoidance of doubt shall not fall below the original payment figure;
Index Linked means the recalculation of any payment specified in this Unilateral Undertaking by applying the following formula:
Index Linked means increased in accordance with the following formula:-
Index Linked means that whenever reference in this Deed is made to a sum being Index Linked (save for clauses 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3) it shall mean that at the date when the said sum becomes due (the Due Date) it shall be adjusted in proportion to the increase (if any) in the BCIS All In Tender Prices Index between 1st June 2011 (or such other base date as is specified herein in substitution) and the Due Date.
Index Linked means increased on an annual basis or pro rata per diem from the date of this Deed until such time that payment of any sum in this Deed is made such index linking to be equivalent to any inflationary increase in such sums taking as the basis for the measure of inflation the Index last published before the date of this Deed or any publication substituted for it;
Index Linked means the recalculation of any payment specified in this Deed by applying the following formula:
Index Linked means adjusted by reference to the relevant index pursuant to the provisions of Clause 18