Examples of Health System Funding Reform in a sentence
The MOHLTC and LHINs will continue to work with health service Ministry-LHIN Accountability Agreement (2015/16-2017/18) Page 1 of 49 providers, and other providers to enhance joint planning and coordination within and among providers and ensure alignment with current provincial strategies, including: • Health System Funding Reform (HSFR): a funding strategy that features quality based funding to facilitate fiscal sustainability through high quality, evidence-based and person- centred care.
Issues and challenges being identified in the health care environment including our commitments to provincial initiatives such as the Health System Funding Reform, the Patients First proposal, and Healthcare Tomorrow – Hospital Services, will inform further updates that may be required.
The MOHLTC and LHINs will continue to work with Health Service Providers, and other providers, including public health, to enhance joint planning and coordination within and among providers and ensure alignment with current provincial strategies, including: • Health System Funding Reform (HSFR): A funding strategy that features quality based funding to facilitate fiscal sustainability through high quality, evidence-based and patient- centred care.
Direct Funding Funding for the Direct Costs (see Glossary for definition) associated with delivering procedures will be provided to Specialty Clinics based on Quality Based Procedure (QBP) funding, as part of Ontario’s Health System Funding Reform (HSFR).
Provided further, the employee shall notify his/her employer as soon as possible of the time and date upon which he/she is requesting to be absent for the purpose of donating blood.
On December 12, 2014, Stroke QBP implementation will be showcased at the local Health System Funding Reform meeting sponsored by the LHIN.
In response to these fiscal challenges, as of April 1, 2012, the Ministry has implemented Health System Funding Reform (HSFR).
Under the MOHLTC’s Health System Funding Reform, she highlighted how CCO has taken on a larger role as a payer in the cancer system through the administration of Quality-Based Procedures (QBPs).
On the contrary of the merger described in chapter 2, the current version of the tool does not implement the basic semantic interoperability.
Medium-sized hospitals like TADH have been adversely affected by Health System Funding Reform (HSFR).