Examples of Healthier Oregon in a sentence
The Healthier Oregon Program (HOP) benefit package provides OHP Plus-equivalent benefits to eligible individuals.
LTSS services are not included in the OR Healthier Oregon Program.
Categories of AidThe populations covered under the Healthier Oregon Program (HOP) have been grouped into various rating categories of aid (COA).
A Medicaid Title XIX benefit package through OSIPM or HSD medical programs; or (B) A benefit package through the Healthier Oregon medical program.
The CDDP must refer all applicants not currently receiving a Medicaid Title XIX benefit package through OSIPM or the HSD Medical Programs or a benefit package through the Healthier Oregon Program to the local Medicaid office for application and benefit determination.
Public forums Medicaid Advisory Committee July 27, 2022Topics discussed:• CCO Updates• DHS Update• Bridge Program Update• PHE Unwinding Update• Healthier Oregon Plan Update• Community Partner Outreach Workgroup• Advancing Consumer Experience Subcommittee Workgroup Public comment:This is public comment on the Member Handbook.
Last year, the Legislature began investing in the Healthier Oregon (“Cover All People”) program, as well as taking other actions toward 100% coverage.
In July, the Healthier Oregon program began providing full medical coverage for eligible individuals ages 19-26 and 55 or over who would have previously only been eligible for Citizenship-Waived Medical (CWM) emergency-only coverage.During this quarter OHA staff competed a review of 2021 Health-Related Services spending reported by Oregon’s Coordinated Care Organizations (CCOs).
The Healthier Oregon Program (HOP) benefit package provides OHP Plus-equivalent benefits to eligible individuals, which are delivered and paid for under this Contract and Contractor’s separate Non- Medicaid Contract.
The resulting CCO specific rates are deemed reasonable and attainable for an efficient CCO participating within the Healthier Oregon Program and may not be appropriate for a specific CCO business model.