Examples of Heating oil tank in a sentence
Otherwise, skip to Part 3.C.3.C. Heating oil tank release site exemptionsEcology and PLIA may agree to allow Ecology to make heating oil tank release site determinations for releases that involve sites already being cleaned up under Ecology’s authority.The heating oil tank release occurred at a site already being cleaned up under Ecology’s authority.Ecology and PLIA have agreed that Ecology can make a heating oil tank release site determination for this site.If you checked either box, STOP.
Otherwise, skip to Part 3.C.3.C. Heating oil tank release site exemptionsEcology and PLIA may agree to allow Ecology to make heating oil tank release site determinations for releases that involve sites already being cleaned up under Ecology’s authority.The heating oil tank release occurred at a site already being cleaned up under Ecology’s authority.Ecology and PLIA have agreed that Ecology can make a heating oil tank release site determination for this site.If you checked either box, STOP.
NOTE: Heating oil tank systems (i.e., tank and piping) that were not installed in conformance with 6 NYCRR Part 614 must be brought into compliance with 6 NYCRR 614 or permanently closed.
Heating oil tank cleanup costs are often not covered by homeowners insurance.
Heating oil tank releases should also be reported to the Pollution Liability Insurance Agency at (360) 586-5997.