Examples of Heavy liquid in a sentence
Heavy liquid components are estimated based on average HL factors from API Publication 337, August 1996.
EQUIPMENT LEAK EMISSION SOURCES Equipment types Agitator seals Compressor seals Connectors Diaphrams DrainsDump lever arms Flanges Hatches Instruments Loading arms MetersOpen-ended lines Polished rodsPressure relief devices Pump sealsStuffing boxes Valves Vents Service Gas/vapor Light liquid Heavy liquid the smallest set of process equipment that can operate independently and includes all operations necessary to achieve its process objective.
In the frame of the SESAME Project the facility was refurbished with the Heavy liquid mEtal – pRessurized water cOoled tube (HERO, Rozzia et al., 2017) test section for characterizing a new steam generator concept foreseen for the Advanced Lead Fast Reactor European Demonstrator (ALFRED) reactor (Frignani et al.
Heavy liquid includes residual oil and any other liquid fuel not classified as a light liquid.
Heavy liquid separation (tetrabrom-methane, di-iodine-methane, clerisis)Investment in new wiefling table is necessary in 2006/2007.
Heavy liquid fossil fuels (crude oil, heavy fuel oil, and gasoil) account for 74% of the overall fuel use, with natural gas accounting for just over one‐quarter (26%) of power generation.
As used in these rules:(a) "Hardboard" means a panel manufactured primarily from interfelted ligno-cellulosic fibers which are consolidated under heat and pressure in a hot press.(b) "Hardwood plywood" means plywood whose surface layer is a veneer of hardwood.(c) "Heavy liquid" means a liquid which is less than 10% evaporated at 150 degrees Centigrade as determined by ASTM method d-86.
Zrodnikov, A.V., Efanov, A.D., Orlov, Yu.I., Martynov, P.N., Troyanov, V.M., and Rusanov, A.E., Heavy liquid metal coolant – lead- bismuth and lead – technology.
Heavy liquid separation was conducted to investigate the potential of increasing the PCMZ head grade by rejecting waste material.
Heavy liquid centrifugation is used to separate particles with densities exceeding 2.75 g/cc from the majority of the less dense matrix components.