Examples of High unemployment in a sentence
High unemployment increases the demand for better job protection, and hence tighter rules may be a result of high unemployment rather than its cause.
High unemployment did not cause the foreclosure crisis, but because of the crash of the housing market, unemployment is now far more likely to trigger mortgage default than in the past, largely due to widespread negative equity.
High unemployment and antiunion sentiment among some factory workers and employers were obstacles to union organizing efforts.
High unemployment is the major driving forces for growing income inequality worldwide.
High unemployment, especially of the youth (50.9% of those aged 15-24) is South Africa’s overarching development challenge today.
High unemployment in firms’ geographic area weakens workers’ relative bargaining strength, and hence union rents (Christofides and Oswald, 1992).
High unemployment rates and local job scarcity have other downstream impacts.
High unemployment, a large informal economic sector, traditional antiunion attitudes, and violence against trade union leaders made organizing unions difficult.
Revolving Loan Fund Program Established High unemployment rates in the region in the mid 1980’s initiated LaPorte County to search to spark economic development.
High unemployment, traditional antiunion attitudes, a large informal economic sector, and weak union organization and leadership limit workers' bargaining power in all sectors.