Historical Value definition
Examples of Historical Value in a sentence
For each FTR, for each month, ”FTR Monthly Credit Requirement Contribution” shall mean the total FTR cost for the month, prorated on a daily basis, less the FTR Historical Value for the month.
Historical Value: A record has historical value if it contains significant information about people, places, or events.
If FTR cost less the FTR Historical Value, plus any applicable increase related to portfolio diversification as described in section C.6 below, results in a value that is less than ten cents (10¢) per MWh, the FTR Credit Requirement shall be increased to ten cents (10¢) per MWh. When calculating the portfolio MWh for this comparison, for cleared “Sell” FTRs, the MWh shall be subtracted from the portfolio total; prior to clearing, the MWh for “Sell” FTRs shall not be included in the portfolio total.
Historical Value Historical sites are denoted by their cultural, historical, and/or archeological significance and include existing structures, old home sites, grave sites or cemeteries, Native American mounds and middens, historical trails, and others.
Question 5 – Cultural and Historical Value Max Points10 pointsCriteria QuestionDoes this project include the acquisition or stewardship of land with a cultural or historical value?Criteria DetailsApplicant must demonstrate how the property has local, regional or state-wide cultural and/or historical value and describe how this project adds to or enriches that value.