Examples of Homemaker service in a sentence
Homemaker service is designed to provide assistance required to compensate for functional or cognitive limitations.
Homemaker x x x x Homemaker service is defined as general nonmedical support by supervised and trained homemakers.
The number of unduplicated persons served by the provider is the number of different persons served, whether they obtain one unit of one service (e.g., one meal); many units of one service (e.g., many meals); or several units of multiple services (e.g., 240 hours of Homemaker service and 100 Home Delivered Meals).
Homemaker service providers who provide direct care or services must satisfactorily complete a criminal history and background check in accordance with IDAPA 16.05.06, “Criminal History and Background Checks.” (4-2-08) 176.
After DHCS obtains an appropriation or budget authority, as applicable, and once the funds are available to be processed, DHCS agrees to submit payment in the amount of $114,786.51 to DRC.