Host Control Area definition
Examples of Host Control Area in a sentence
An agreement entered into between the ISO and a Participating Generator (other than a Reliability Must-Run Agreement) for the provision by the Participating Generator of Black Start capability and Black Start Energy on an interim basis until the introduction by the ISO of its Black Start auction (or until terminated earlier by either party in accordance with its terms).Intermediary Control Area Any Control Area between a Host Control Area and the ISO ControlArea.
DSP 4.7 The System Resource must have communications links with the Host Control Area consistent with these standards.
The Host Control Area shall instantaneously compensate its AGC for the System Resource's energy output that is generated or allocated for establishing the dynamic schedule to the ISO such that the System Resource energy production or allocation changes have an equal in magnitude and opposite in sign effect on the Host Control Area's ACE.
The Host Control Area shall only deliver to the ISO the amount of MW being generated by the System Resource.
The Host Control Area shall instantaneously compensate its AGC for the System Resource’s variable energy output level such that the System Resource energy production or allocation changes, caused by the ISO EMS/AGC control signals, have an equal in magnitude and opposite in sign effect on the Host Control Area’s ACE.
Such arrangements must include the Host Control Area operator's ability to receive telemetry from the System Resource and to issue a dynamic schedule signal pertinent to that System Resource to the ISO.
DSP 4.2 Dedicated dual redundant communications links between the ISO's EMS and the Host Control Area EMS are required.
DSP 3 CONTRACTUAL RELATIONSHIPS DSP 3.1 The Host Control Area and all Intermediary Control Areas must each execute an Interconnected Control Area Operating Agreement (“ICAOA”) with the ISO, with accompanying service schedule, or a special agreement particular to the operation of the functionality supporting dynamic imports of Energy, Supplemental Energy, and/or Energy associated with non-regulating Ancillary Services to the ISO Control Area.
The Host Control Area shall support Scheduling Coordinators' requests to arrange dynamic interchange schedules for the delivery of energy to the ISO Control Area, reflecting the System Resource's instantaneous energy production or allocation level and taking into account available transmission capacity.
DSP 4.4 Dedicated dual redundant communications links between the Host Control Area EMS and every Intermediary Control Area EMS are required.