House resolution definition
Examples of House resolution in a sentence
For duties imposed by law and by the House of Delegates, including salary allowed by law as keeper of the rolls, the Clerk of the House of Delegates shall be paid a monthly salary as provided in the House resolution, unless increased between sessions under the authority of the Speaker, with the approval of the House committee on rules, and payable out of the appropriation for Compensation and Per Diem of Officers and Employees or Current Expenses and Contingent Fund of the House of Delegates.
That amendment established a permanent investigative authority and relieved the committee of the former requirement of obtaining a re- newal of the investigative authority by a House resolution at the beginning of each Congress.
Rules adopted by the House remain in effect until removed by House resolution or until a new House is elected and takes office.H70-30.
Special or select committees must be specifically delegated that authority by Senate or House resolution.
When the time comes to call up a special rule, the majority mem- ber who filed the rule (a privileged House resolution), or another majority member of the Rules Committee designated by the chair, is recognized by the Speaker.
At the same time, the new open business models are even more hyper-competitive than the more classic forms of proprietary capitalism; they naturally tend to eclipse the possibility of self-sovereign co-operatives or commons.
In the 113th Congress, a House resolution was introduced June 14, 2013, H.Res.
In a Mind of The House resolution passed at Kanuga in March of 2003, we committed ourselves to support the development of church-wide policies to safeguard our children; and until such time as these policies are adopted, to revisit and revise our diocesan policies to ensure that ministries provided to the children among us will be life-giving and free from abusiveness of any kind.
This week, I will be introducing a House resolution to right this wrong.
The impeachment investigation began nearly one year ago with a publicly- filed House resolution by 23 legislators clearly stating two proposed articles of impeachment against Governor Bentley.