Examples of Housing owner in a sentence
Components assumed focused on the consumption of services and their associated weights are: Housing, rent (weight = 3.4%); Housing, owner occupied (13.2%); Health (7.8%); Transportation (13.1%); Communication (4.6%); Recreation, amusement and culture (2.3%); Education (5.9%); and Restaurant & hotels (2.6%).Remaining components in the CPI are assumed to be focused on the consumption of goods.
General housing advice and housing options Information and advice to be provided on Discrimination and Human Rights, Access to and provision of accommodation, Environmental and neighbour issues, Local Authority and RSL Housing, owner occupied properties, private sector rental including shared accommodation Client questionnaire - impact of service provided 100% of clients surveyed with 70% reporting that advice provided reduced their problem or improved their situation.
Open the HOA documents online and take a look.The documents may look like a bunch of legal beagle hooey that won’t affect you, but if you become an Affordable Housing owner, they will! Deed Restrictions and Bylaws establish rights and responsibilities of owners and authorize HOAs to manage the complex, collect dues and assessments and adopt new rules.
If a Multifamily Housing owner uses this approach, the owner must describe it in the tenant selection plan and any public notice of a waiting list opening must clearly state that this system will be used to place applicants on the waiting list.
Contractors shall not perform any work, substitute any specified materials, colors, patterns, quantities, or change specified material qualities or quantities not listed in the job specifications without a written change order pre-approved by Maine Housing, owner and Lead Design Consultant.
The input of operational teams and service users was not sought at the review stage although there will be additional engagement with social workers, operational teams, service users and carers on the proposed fee increase as part of the ongoing communication and engagement activity on the commissioning process.
Second, Housing owner need to have License of Land Use (Izin Pemanfaatan Tanah / IPT) if the owner plan to build more than 10 unit in the housing.
The project has a 24 month construction schedule.Howard County Housing (owner), the Stavrou Companies (developer) and our team of Marks Thomas Architects, Hamel Builders, and Humphrey Management is pleased to present a synopsis of the Hilltop Redevelopment project located on Mt. Ida Drive, in Ellicott City, Maryland.
Contractors shall not perform any work, substitute any specified materials, colors, patterns, quantities, or change specified material qualities or quantities not listed in the job specifications without a written change order pre approved by Maine Housing, owner and Lead Design Consultant.
State Rent Supplement Program 201G-231 Rent supplements 201G-232 Housing owner defined 201G-233 Qualified tenant defined 201G-234 Relationship of annual payment to rental and income 201G-235 Determination of eligibility of occupants and rental charges 201G-236 Rules 201G-237 Additional powers E.