Hydrologic regime definition
Examples of Hydrologic regime in a sentence
Hydrologic regime and the conservation of salmon life history diversity.
Hydrologic regime" means the entire state of water movement in a given area.
Hydrologic regime, topography, and water quality not only affect vegetation, but also determine which species feed in an area.
The reserves held in the Pension Fund represent the reserves on retirement allowances payable to non-veteran members who retired prior to 1956.
Hydrologic regime of dipterocarp forest catchments in Peninsular Malaysia.
The topography, soil structure, plant community composition and structure, and Hydrologic regime of vernal pools can provide the following important wildlife habitat functions.
Hydrologic regime means the entire state of water movement in a given area.
Time period was applied as 1 day, therefore the MF (both DL and SL) was estimated as Mf = 86 400 Ci Qi. (3) The analyzed dissolved and suspended matter concentrations (dissolved and particulate) were synthesized from our 2011 measurements and reviews and reports devoted to measurements campaigns in rivers of the region [Kuznetsov, 1955; Votincev K.K. et al., 1965; Hydrologic regime..., 1977; Stubblefield et al., 2005; AATA 2008; Integrated Water..., 2010].
Hydrologic regime has also been found to influence nest survival (Brand et al.
Physiognomic attributes of the dominant vegetation stratum (e.g., evergreen, deciduous, etc.) Hydrologic regime of the vegetation site (Cowardin 1979) The additional core data that will be required to classify units down to the floristic levels of Alliance and Association include:Height class of vegetation strata (in meters) Dominant and indicator plant species by stratum and percent cover class estimate.