Examples of IFC Act in a sentence
Appointed Analyst a person that has been appointed by the Secretary under section 34 of the IFC Act.
AQIS implements the testing of food in accordance with the Imported Food Control Act 1992 (the IFC Act) and its associated Regulations.
Accordingly, it is clarified that the services provided by IFC and ADB are exempt from GST in terms of provisions of IFC Act, 1958 and ADB Act.
In 1993, after the repeal of IFC Act, IFCI became a public limited company registered under the Companies Act, 1956.
The Compliance System must provide that the Other Party will ensure that each consignment of Risk Food is accompanied by a Foreign Government Certificate, if the consignment contains Risk Food of a kind that is required to be covered by a Foreign Government Certificate by an order made under the IFC Act.
The Compliance System must provide that the Other Party will ensure that each consignment of Risk Food is accompanied by a Recognised Foreign Government Certificate, if the consignment contains Risk Food of a kind that is required to be covered by a Recognised Foreign Government Certificate by an order made under the IFC Act.
To achieve this, the amendments streamline the existing legislative processes under which Australia enters into agreements to fund capital increases to the IBRD and revise the way the existing ‘Articles of Agreement’ of the IFC are incorporated into the IFC Act 1955.
Under this legislation, food for sale in duty free stores must comply with the labelling requirements of the Code, and to this extent it is consistent with the IFC Act.
The Compliance System must provide that the Other Party will ensure that each consignment of Risk Food is accompanied by a Recognised Food Safety Management Certificate, if the consignment contains Risk Food of a kind that is required to be covered by a Recognised Food Safety Management Certificate by an order made under the IFC Act.
The Corporation shall also be immune from liability for the collection or payment of any tax or duty [Section 3 (1) of IFC Act, 1958 read with Article VI, Section 9 (a) of the Schedule thereto refers].3.