Examples of Illinois in a sentence
As Clerk of the Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board and the keeper of the Records thereof, I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true, full and complete Final Administrative Decision of the Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board issued this date in the above entitled appeal, now of record in this said office.
All requests for amendment to the Utilization Plan shall be submitted to the Department of Transportation, Bureau of Small Business Enterprises, Contract Compliance Section, 2300 South Dirksen Parkway, Room 319, Springfield, Illinois 62764.
Nothing in this Section invalidates the provisions of any bond or other security previously offered or to be offered for sale or sold by or for the State of Illinois.
The SUBCONTRACTOR shall identify whether it has any pending contracts, subcontracts, including leases, bids, proposals, or other ongoing procurement relationship with any other State of Illinois agency: Yes No If “No” is checked, the subcontractor only needs to complete the signature box on this page.
The undersigned bidder, if a business organized under the laws of another State, assures the Department that it will furnish a copy of its certificate of authority to do business in the State of Illinois with the return of the executed contract and bond.