Examples of ILO scale in a sentence
The Silicosis Prevention Program Solution Has Eliminated New Cases of Silicosis at Participating NISA Member Companies As just explained, since 1994, NISA has tracked the number of individuals at participating member companies with chest X-rays classified (generally by more than one certified B-reader) as ≥1/1 on the ILO scale.
Under current regulations that irrebuttable presumption can be established (A) by a chest X-ray that yields one or more large opacities (greater than one centimeter in diameter) that are classified as a Category A, B, or C opacity on the ILO scale; (B) by biopsy or autopsy that yields massive lesions in the lung; or (C) by other means that could reasonably be expected to yield results described in clause (A) or (B).
Furthermore, the ILO scale had always been decided by the International Labour Conference and it was unthinkable that the Conference should give up its authority on this matter.
In order for an Asbestos Claimant to qualify for compensation under the Master Settlement Agreement as a Non-Malignant – Asbestosis Asbestos Claim, the Plaintiff must submit a report by a Certified B-reader showing that the Plaintiff has a (1) Chest X-ray reading of 1/0 or higher and/or (2) bilateral pleural plaques or bilateral pleural thickening on the ILO scale.
A total lung capacity, by plethysmography or timed gas dilution, below the predicted lower limit of normal; (III) A chest x-ray showing small, irregular opacities (s, t) graded by a certified B-reader at least 2/1 on the ILO scale.
The ILO scale runs from 0, which means normal, to 3, which is the most extreme.
As reported in a recently published study, “[a] small number of B Readers has made reputations with attorneys by consistently interpreting chest radiographs of asbestos claimants as positive [i.e., 1/0 on the ILO scale] in 90-100% of cases.” See Joseph N.
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