Implementing Authority definition
Examples of Implementing Authority in a sentence
One copy of the inception report, interim progress reports and final report must be submitted to the Contracting Authority after their approval by the Implementing Authority and will be accompanied by the respective approvals.
The Central Finance and Contracts Unit (CFCU), the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PAED) and the Implementing Authority for European Programmes (formerly Implementing Authority for Phare Cross- Border Cooperation Programmes, IA-CBC) are fully responsible for the daily implementation of the projects.
In addition, services of a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) having relevant experience in implementation of R & R projects have been contracted to provide assistance to Implementing Authority as well as affected persons.
This order will be issued on the basis of the approval of the Implementing Authority and the following documents are needed:- the CVs of the proposed experts- a description of the selection procedure as it was above-mentioned- Declaration of the proposed experts availability.
The termination action taken by the Implementing Authority, can be challenged in appeal before the District Level Committee consisting of District Collector, District Coordinator of Health Service, District Medical & Health Officer, Superintending Engineer (Concerned) of APMSIDC.The District Level committee can review the decision of Implementing Authority and shall pass its orders within 15 days of receipt of appeal of the Agency.