Gasoline definition

Gasoline means any liquid product prepared, advertised, offered for sale or sold for use as, or commonly and commercially used as, motor fuel for use in a spark-ignition, internal combustion engine, and which meets the specifications provided in Iowa Code section 214A.2.
Gasoline means (i) all products that are commonly or commercially known or sold as gasoline and
Gasoline means all products commonly or commercially

Examples of Gasoline in a sentence

  • Enterprise Services and Contractor (collectively the “Parties”) entered into that certain Contract No. 08721 for Fuels: Gasoline, Diesel, and Renewables dated effective as of July 15, 2024(“Contract”).

  • There are separate awards for Gasoline and E-85 fuels, when applicable, for all counties that have filed requirements pursuant to the Solicitation.

  • OPRG (E) gasoline shall meet or exceed the requirements stated previously herein for Conventional & OPRG (E) Unleaded Gasoline and its own specific requirements as stated hereinafter.

  • Requirements, Gasoline, Type Reformulated‌ This section of the detailed specification shall describe the OPRG (E) Gasolines which shall meet the emissions reduction for 2000 and beyond using the applicable formula standard/s stated in 40\CFR Section 80.41.

  • The control/distribution areas serviced by this Contract/specification shall be amended as required to comply with the latest revision of Federal regulation, U.S. EPA, Clean Air Act (CAA) - 1990, Title 40 of Code of Federal Regulations (40CFR), Part 80 Regulation of Fuels & Fuel Additives, Standards for OPRG(E) & Conventional Gasoline, (Final Rule), or latest amendment thereof; and State regulations: Title 6, NYCRR, Chapter III, Subchapter A, Part 225; and Agriculture.

More Definitions of Gasoline

Gasoline means and includes gasoline, alcohol, gasohol, casing head or natural gasoline, benzol, benzine, naphtha, methanol, transmix, any blendstock additive, or other product that is sold for blending with gasoline or for use on the road, other than products typically sold in containers of less than 5 gallons. Gasoline also includes a liquid prepared, advertised, offered for sale, sold for use as, or used in the generation of power for the propulsion of a motor vehicle, airplane, or marine vessel, including a product obtained by blending together any 1 or more products of petroleum, with or without another product, and regardless of the original character of the petroleum products blended, if the product obtained by the blending is capable of use in the generation of power for the propulsion of a motor vehicle, airplane, or marine vessel. The blending of all of the above-named products, regardless of their name or characteristics, shall conclusively be presumed to have been done to produce fuel, unless the product obtained by the blending is entirely incapable of use as fuel. An additive or blendstock is presumed to be sold for blending unless a certification is obtained for federal purposes that the substance is for a use other than blending for gasoline. Gasoline does not include diesel fuel, dyed diesel fuel, dyed kerosene, or an excluded liquid.
Gasoline means a petroleum distillate having a Reid vapor pressure of 27.6 kilopascals (kPa) (4 pounds per square inch [psi]) or greater that is used as fuel for internal combustion engines.
Gasoline means any petroleum distillate having a Reid vapor pressure of 4.0 psia or greater.
Gasoline means that term as defined in section 3 of the motor fuel tax act, 2000 PA 403, MCL 207.1003.
Gasoline means any petroleum distillate, used as a fuel for internal combustion engines, having a Reid vapor pressure of 4 pounds or greater.
Gasoline means any fuel sold for use in motor vehicles and motor vehicle engines, and commonly or commercially known or sold as gasoline.
Gasoline means any petroleum distillate or petroleum distillate/alcohol blend having a Reid vapor pressure of 27.6 kPa or greater which is used as a fuel for internal combustion engines.