Examples of Impropriety in a sentence
Impropriety in the handling or reporting of money or financial transactions.
Impropriety in the handling of money or reporting of District financial transactions.
Impropriety does not depend on a councillor's consciousness of impropriety.
Fraud and Financial Impropriety: The District prohibits fraud and financial impropriety, as defined below, in the actions of its Board members, employees, vendors, contractors, consultants, volunteers, and others seeking or maintaining a business relationship with the District.
Criteria Architect and employees of the Criteria Architect must also avoid actions resulting in or creating the appearance of: Use of an official position with the government for private gain; Preferential treatment to any particular person associated with this Agreement or the Work of this Agreement; Loss of independence or impartiality; Impropriety; A decision made outside official channels; or Adverse effects on the confidence of the public in the integrity of the government or this Agreement.