Examples of Academic Integrity in a sentence
The Office for Student Conduct and Academic Integrity has compiled a useful list of Frequently Asked Questions pertaining to scholastic dishonesty: http://www1.umn.edu/oscai/integrity/student/index.html.
Academic Integrity: Importance and ImpactBeing at university means engaging with a variety of communities in the pursuit and sharing of knowledge and understanding in ways that are clear, respectful, efficient, and productive.
For additional information, please see: http://policy.umn.edu/Policies/Education/Education/INSTRUCTORRESP.html.The Office for Student Conduct and Academic Integrity has compiled a useful list of Frequently Asked Questions pertaining to scholastic dishonesty: http://www1.umn.edu/oscai/integrity/student/index.html.
Violations of the Code of Student Academic Integrity, including plagiarism, will result in disciplinary action as provided in the Code.
Using these tools without the instructor's permission, and without proper attribution and disclosure, constitutes a violation of academic integrity and will be reported to the Office of Academic Integrity.