Improvement Target definition
Examples of Improvement Target in a sentence
CMS and the state must approve the ITGs. Improvement Target Goals will be determined through the use of national benchmark data.
Additionally, ACOs with prior BP performance scores less than the Attainment Threshold and current BP performance scores equal to or above the Attainment Threshold may still earn up to five (5) improvement points if the improvement is greater than or equal to the Improvement Target.
If the Contractor has prior PY performance scores less than the Attainment Threshold then the Contractor may still earn up to five (5) improvement points each PY if improvement from the highest prior PY (excluding PY3 due to a state of emergency declared by the federal or state government) is greater than or equal to the Improvement Target, and performance in the current PY does not equal or exceed the Attainment Threshold.
If the Contractor has prior PY performance scores equal to or greater than the Goal Benchmark then the Contractor may still earn up to five (5) improvement points in each PY if improvement from the highest prior PY (excluding PY3 due to a state of emergency declared by the federal or state government) is greater than or equal to the Improvement Target.
The ACO has improved from BP2 to BP3 by 3.63% [(58.17 - 54.54)] which will be rounded to the nearest tenth (e.g., one decimal point) to 3.6% which exceeds the Improvement Target of 2.1%.
The Contractor has improved from PY4 to PY5 by 3.63% [(58.17 - 54.54)] which will be rounded to the nearest tenth (e.g., one decimal point) to 3.6% which exceeds the Improvement Target of 2.1%.
Additionally, if the Contractor has prior PY performance scores less than the Attainment Threshold and current PY performance scores equal to or above the Attainment Threshold then the Contractor may still earn up to five (5) improvement points if the improvement is greater than or equal to the Improvement Target.
ACOs with prior BP performance scores less than the Attainment Threshold may still earn up to five (5) improvement points each BP if improvement from the prior BP is greater than or equal to the Improvement Target, and performance in the current BP does not equal or exceed the Attainment Threshold.
EXHIBIT 34 – Example Calculation of Improvement Points for Measure B Measure B Attainment = 48.9% | Goal = 59.4% | Improvement Target = 2.1% BP2ScoreBP3Score Domain ScoreDomain-based scoring will not be used in Budget Period (BP) 1, as described in Section In BP2 through BP5, for each ACO, the State will sum the ACO’s achievement and improvement points for all Quality Measures within each Quality Domain.
Improvement Target Score: Target Completion Date:Improvement Strategies (select all that apply): If "Other - Please describe" Action Plan: Complete the chart below regarding the activities planned to achieve the improvement target.