Independent Scientific Review definition
Examples of Independent Scientific Review in a sentence
As with all projects in the Fish and Wildlife Program, Accord projects are subject to review by the Independent Scientific Review Panel (ISRP) and the Council provides funding recommendations based on full consideration of the ISRP's report and the Council’s Program.
In a report prepared for Northwest Power and Conservation Council, the Independent Scientific Review Panel (ISRP) and the Independent Scientific Advisory Board (ISAB) reviewed the nature of the demographic, genetic and ecological risks that could be associated with supplementation, and concluded that the current information available was insufficient to provide an adequate assessment of the magnitude of these effects under alternative management scenarios (ISRP and ISAB 2005).
This Council and ISRP review, an addition to the Council’s review of projects directly funded by Bonneville, was mandated by Congress in 1997 and made a responsibility of the Council and the Independent Scientific Review Panel.
Greater funding would enable enhanced coordination to meet the needs of the 2008 BiOp and Columbia Basin Fish Accords.Science Review:• The Joint Public Power group recommended that the current requirements for Independent Scientific Review Panel review should be continued for all projects funded by BPA.
With this focus, the Council will periodically update its Columbia River Basin Research Plan (Research Plan)15 in collaboration with the Independent Scientific Advisory Board (ISAB)16, Independent Scientific Review Panel (ISRP)17 and regional partners.
Yakama Nation Response to the Independent Scientific Review Panel’s Step Two Response Review of the Yakama Nation’s Klickitat River Anadromous Fisheries Master Plan (ISRP 2013-1).
Yakama Nation Response to the Independent Scientific Review Panel’s Step Two Review of the Yakama Nation’s July 2012 Klickitat Anadromous Fisheries Master Plan (ISRP 2012-12).
During January 2001, the Independent Scientific Review Panel (ISRP), with the assistance of three Peer Review Group members, reviewed and ranked the set of proposals.
Coho broodstock collection protocols will be reviewed prior to June. The Yakama Nation is planning a series of regional meetings on their coho program. The Yakama Nation expects to submit a proposal to Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) at the end of March for multiple acclimation sites in the Methow and Wenatchee Rivers. The Yakama Nation’s kelt reconditioning is on hold following review of the Independent Scientific Review Panel (ISRP).
CIHR-managed Independent Scientific ReviewA Health Impacts Questionnaire will be evaluated through a scientific peer review managed independently by CIHR based on the Independent Scientific Review Criteria outlined in Section 4.5. CIHR identifies peer reviewers with global health experience and scientific expertise related to the innovation proposed in the Health Impact Questionnaire.