Examples of Index Description in a sentence
The index concept is detailed in the index description which is attached to these Terms and Conditions and forms an integral part of these Terms and Conditions (the "Index Description").
The Index Calculation Agent shall decide in its reasonable discretion (billiges Ermessen) (§ 315 BGB) whether this is the case and which deviations from or amendments of the Index Description are required.
In that case, the Index Calculation Agent may deviate from or amend the Index Description.
Although when calculating the Index the Index Calculation Agent intends to adhere to the Index Description from the Index Commencement Date on, it cannot be ruled out that tax, regulatory, statutory, economic or other circumstances may require subsequent deviation from or amendments to the Index Description so as to ensure that the purpose of the Index can be continued to be achieved to the largest extent possible.
Any deviations from the Index Description are subject to the proviso that the general concept and, thus, the strategy pursued by the Index in particular are maintained.