Examples of Indigent Policy in a sentence
To receive these free services the households are required to register in terms of the Municipality’s Indigent Policy.
The social package assists residents that have difficulty paying for services and are registered as indigent households in terms of the Indigent Policy of the municipality.
The social package assists residents that have difficulty paying for services and are registered as indigent households in terms of the Indigent Policy of the Municipality.
All Registered Indigents, registered in terms of the provisions of the Indigent Policy of the Municipality, shall be fully subsidised for the payment of property rates, as referred to in sub-paragraph (1)(a)(i) above as part of the indigent support such a person receives from the Municipality.
The indigent households shall be treated in terms of the Indigent Policy of the municipality.
To receive these free services the households are required to register in terms of the municipality’s Indigent Policy.
Indigent Support and Social Rebate Policy Section 97(1)(c) of the Municipal Systems Act requires municipalities to formulate an Indigent Policy that is consistent with Council’s rate and tariff policies and also meets the requirements of S152 of the Constitution.
The Municipality may grant financial assistance to persons who meet the criteria as laid down in the municipal Indigent Policy.
If this contribution is judiciously utilised it may subsidise all indigent households who quality in terms of the Indigent Policy of the Municipality.
The municipality must handle indigent consumers in terms of its Indigent Policy.