Industrial establishment definition

Industrial establishment means a workshop or other establishment in which the work of making, altering, repairing, ornamenting, finishing or packing or otherwise treating any, article or substance with a view to its use, sale transport, delivery or disposal is carried on or where any such service is rendered to a customer, and includes such other class or classes of establishments as Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, declare to be industrial establishments for the purposes of this Act, but does not include a factory;
Industrial establishment means any-
Industrial establishment means an office building, factory, arena, shop or office, and any land, buildings and structures appertaining thereto; (“établissement industriel”)

Examples of Industrial establishment in a sentence

  • If the site is with in an existing Industrial establishment belonging to the Employer, the Contractor, sub-Contractor and their Employees regulations in regard to ingress, egress, traffic, security and conduct for the establishment.17).

  • In an Industrial establishment every—(a) prime mover;(b) part of the transmission machinery;(c) dangerous part of a machine,s hall be effectively s afeguar ded in accor d ance with sections 25B, 25C and 25 D.

  • Shops and Establishment Law (2016) The Shops and Establishment Law (2016) shall apply to the following types of businesses: ■ Shops;■ Commercial establishments;■ Public entertainment establishments;■ Industrial establishment not relevant to the Factories Act (1951); and■ Any other establishment declared by the Ministry throughnotification as relevant to this law.

  • In every Industrial establishment employing 500 or more workmen, the employer shall constitute a shop council.

  • BEC- Technical: (as a single bidder)A.1.1 Bidder must have executed at least one (01) single order/contract of Housekeeping and/or Upkeep Services and/or maintenance work in plant/unit and/or any civil work in any Industrial establishment/ Plant factory in any Govt./Semi-Govt./PSU/MNC/ Public Ltd.

More Definitions of Industrial establishment

Industrial establishment means a factory, shop, office, place of work or other premises but does not include—
Industrial establishment means any room, group of rooms, building or other enclosure used or intended for use, in whole or in part, in the operation of a business enterprise for manufacturing, fabricating, processing, cleaning, laundering or assembling any product, commodity, or article or from which any industrial waste, as distinct from Sanitary Sewage, shall be discharged.
Industrial establishment means any place of business engaged in
Industrial establishment means any Improved Property used or intended for use, wholly or in part, for the manufacturing, processing, cleaning, laundering or assembling of any product, commodity or article, or any other Improved Property from which wastes, in addition to or other than Sanitary Sewage, shall or may be discharged.
Industrial establishment means any place defined as such pursuant to the Industrial Site Recovery Act rules, at N.J.A.C. 7:26B-1.4.
Industrial establishment means any place of business engaged in operations which involve the generation, manufacture, refining, transportation, treatment, storage, handling, or disposal of hazardous substances or hazardous wastes on-site, above or below ground, having a Standard Industrial Classification number within 22-39 inclusive, 46-49 inclusive, 51 or 76 as designated in the Standard Industrial Classifications Manual prepared by the Office of Management and Budget in the Executive Office of the President of the United States. Those facilities or parts of facilities subject to operational closure and post-closure maintenance requirements pursuant to the "Solid Waste Management Act," P.L.1970, c.39 (C.13:1E-1 et seq.), the "Major Hazardous Waste Facilities Siting Act," sections 1 through 43 of P.L.1981, c.279 (C.13:1E-49 et seq.) or the "Solid Waste Disposal Act" (42 U.S.C. s.6901 et seq.), or any establishment engaged in the production or distribution of agricultural commodities, shall not be considered industrial establishments for the purposes of this act. The department may, pursuant to the "Administrative Procedure Act," P.L.1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et seq.), exempt certain sub-groups or classes of operations within those sub-groups within the Standard Industrial Classification major group numbers listed in this subsection upon a finding that the operation of the industrial establishment does not pose a risk to public health and safety;
Industrial establishment means any structure intended to be used wholly or in part for the manufacturing, fabricating, processing, cleaning, laundering or assembly of any product, commodity or article.