Industrial establishment definition
Examples of Industrial establishment in a sentence
If the site is with in an existing Industrial establishment belonging to the Employer, the Contractor, sub-Contractor and their Employees regulations in regard to ingress, egress, traffic, security and conduct for the establishment.17).
In an Industrial establishment every—(a) prime mover;(b) part of the transmission machinery;(c) dangerous part of a machine,s hall be effectively s afeguar ded in accor d ance with sections 25B, 25C and 25 D.
Shops and Establishment Law (2016) The Shops and Establishment Law (2016) shall apply to the following types of businesses: ■ Shops;■ Commercial establishments;■ Public entertainment establishments;■ Industrial establishment not relevant to the Factories Act (1951); and■ Any other establishment declared by the Ministry throughnotification as relevant to this law.
In every Industrial establishment employing 500 or more workmen, the employer shall constitute a shop council.
BEC- Technical: (as a single bidder)A.1.1 Bidder must have executed at least one (01) single order/contract of Housekeeping and/or Upkeep Services and/or maintenance work in plant/unit and/or any civil work in any Industrial establishment/ Plant factory in any Govt./Semi-Govt./PSU/MNC/ Public Ltd.