Influent means the water entering a filter or other device.
Influent means water, wastewater, or other liquid flowing into a wastewater treatment facility;
Influent means the total wastewater flow entering a wastewater treatment works.
Examples of Influent in a sentence
Influent Monitoring .................................................................................................
Influent Monitoring ............................................................................................................
This signature program is built on safety, quality, efficiency and integrity, and has been offered by Clean Harbors for more than 25 years.
Influent monitoring is the collection and analysis of samples or measurements of wastewater prior to the treatment processes.
Influent water shall be distributed in a manner which will not scour the sand surfaces.
More Definitions of Influent
Influent means the sewage discharged to a pretreatment component.
Influent means the domestic sewage entering the LOSS.
Influent means the wastewater entering a water pollution control facility.
Influent means wastewater flowing into an on-site wastewater treatment system component or device.
Influent means the raw flow discharged to the wastewater system from any and all use.
Influent means wastewater, raw or partly treated, flowing into a wastewater treatment device or facilities.
Influent means the water, together with any wastes that may be present, flowing into a drain, sewer, receptacle, or outlet.