Ingredient Cost definition

Ingredient Cost means the portion of the total medicaid payment amount attributable to the cost of the drug product, or in the case of a compound drug, the sum of the cost of the ingredients that are covered in accordance with rule 5160-9-03 of the Administrative Code.
Ingredient Cost means the component of Prescription Drug Compensation associated with the reimbursement of the Covered Medication dispensed.
Ingredient Cost means the price a provider has agreed to accept for a prescription drug, excluding

Examples of Ingredient Cost in a sentence

  • X X X X X 9 N 66 Ingredient Cost The cost of the ingredients included in the prescription.

  • This field represents the gross drug cost (Ingredient Cost Paid + Dispensing Fee Paid + Total Amount Attributed to Sales Tax) paid to the pharmacy above the OOP threshold for a given PDE for a covered drug as defined in Section 5.

  • This field represents the gross drug cost (Ingredient Cost Paid + Dispensing Fee Paid + Total Amount Attributed to Sales Tax) paid to the pharmacy below the OOP threshold for a given PDE for a covered drug as defined in Section 5.

  • The Supplier will pay a retrospective rebate to the Board, calculated as the difference between the total amount of spend (Gross Ingredient Cost) on the Drug and the total cost of the Drug at the PAS Price.

  • All other fields must be reported.Instructions for Ingredient Cost Paid, Dispensing Fee Paid, and Total Amount Attributed to Sales Tax – If the dispensing pharmacy does not disaggregate gross drug cost into these three cost components, the plan may report one dollar value for all three costs under the field Ingredient Cost Paid.

More Definitions of Ingredient Cost

Ingredient Cost means the negotiated rate (e.g., discount of AWP or MAC) for a prescription drug dispensed by a Network Participant and which, when combined with the applicable Dispensing Fee, constitutes the full amount payable for the given prescription drug and the professional service of dispensing such drug.
Ingredient Cost means the ingredient cost amount charged to Group for each Claim subject to the provision set forth in section IV.
Ingredient Cost means the actual amount paid to a pharmacy provider by a carrier or the carrier’s pharmacy benefits manager for a prescription drug, not including the dispensing fee or cost-sharing amount.
Ingredient Cost means the actual amount paid to a
Ingredient Cost means the amount Contractor pays to the pharmacy on behalf of the Board, less any and all income streams, to reflect complete financial transparency as defined in the RFP.
Ingredient Cost means the portion of a Claim's cost attributed to the actual Covered Drug, after application of any Claim Adjudication Rate or MAC or Specialty Drug discount, and excluding dispensing fees, ancillary fees, taxes, Copayment, and administration fees using the lesser of logic.
Ingredient Cost means the portion of a prescription's cost attributable to the drug ingredients, chemical components, and/or substances.