Initial Cryptocurrency Entitlement definition

Initial Cryptocurrency Entitlement means0.01 units of the Cryptocurrency per Bond, i.e. the Cryptocurrency Entitlement per Bond at the Issue Date;
Initial Cryptocurrency Entitlement means BTC 0.001 per Bond, i.e. the Cryptocurrency Entitlement per Bond at the Issue Date;
Initial Cryptocurrency Entitlement means [0.001][●] units of the Cryptocurrency per Bond, i.e. the Cryptocurrency Entitlement per Bond at the Issue Date;"Anfänglicher Krypotwährungsanspruch" bezeichnet [0,001][●] Einheiten der Kryptowährung je Schuldverschreibung, d.h. den Kryptowährungsanspruch je Schuldverschreibung am Begebungstag;"Issuance Account" means a securities account or accounts maintained by the Depo Bank on behalf of the Issuer where Bonds beneficially owned by the Issuer are held or registered. As of the Issue Date, the Issuance Account is [●]. The Issuer can change the Issuance Account and/or add additional Issuance Accounts pursuant to the Security Documents;"Emissionskonto" bezeichnet ein Wertpapierdepot bzw. Wertpapierdepots, das bzw. die von der Depo Bank im Auftrag der Emittentin geführt wird bzw. werden, auf dem bzw. denen Schuldverschreibungen, die sich im wirtschaftlichen Eigentum der Emittentin befinden, gehalten werden bzw. registriert sind.Zum Begebungstag ist das Emissionskonto [●]. Die Emittentin kann das Emissionskonto ändern und/oder weitere Emissionskonten gemäß den Sicherheitendokumenten hinzufügen;"Issuer-Owned Bonds" means the Bonds held in the Issuance Account. Issuer-Owned Bonds are pledged as Security for the benefit of the Bondholders under the Security Documents and are not considered Outstanding Bonds. Any disposal of Issuer-Owned Bonds from the Issuance Account is subject to approval by the independent Administrator;"Emittenteneigene Schuldverschreibungen" bezeichnet die Schuldverschreibungen, die in dem Emissionskonto gehalten werden. Emittenteneigene Schuldverschreibungen sind als Sicherheit zugunsten der Anleihegläubiger gemäß den Sicherheitendokumenten verpfändet und gelten nicht als Ausstehende Schuldverschreibungen. Jegliche Verfügung von Emittenteneigenen Schuldverschreibungen vom Emissionskonto bedarf der Genehmigung des unabhängigen Administrators;"Mandatory Redemption" shall mean the ability of the Issuer to redeem the Bonds at its option, as further described in § 4 (2);"Zwangsrückzahlung" bezeichnet die Fähigkeit der Emittentin, die Schuldverschreibungen nach ihrer Wahl zurückzuzahlen, wie in § 4 (2) näher beschrieben;"Mandatory Redemption Date" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in § 4 (2);"Zwangsrückzahlungstag" hat die diesem Begriff in § 4 (2) zugeschriebene Bedeutung;"Mandatory Redemption Event" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in § 4 (2);"Zwangsrückzahlungsereignis" hat die diesem Begriff in § 4 (2) zugeschriebene Bedeutung...

More Definitions of Initial Cryptocurrency Entitlement

Initial Cryptocurrency Entitlement means [0.001][●] units of the Cryptocurrency per Bond, i.e. the Cryptocurrency Entitlement per Bond at the Issue Date;
Initial Cryptocurrency Entitlement means the Units of the Basket per Bond as specified in the relevant Final Terms,
Initial Cryptocurrency Entitlement means the units of the Cryptocurrency per Bond as specified in the relevant Final Terms, i.e. the Cryptocurrency Entitlement per Bond at the Issue Date;

Related to Initial Cryptocurrency Entitlement

  • Committed dose equivalent (HT,50) means the dose equivalent to organs or tissues of reference (T) that will be received from an intake of radioactive material by an individual during the 50-year period following the intake.

  • Global warming potential means how much a given mass of a chemical contributes to global warming over a given time period compared to the same mass of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide's global warming potential is defined as 1.0.

  • Total effective dose equivalent (TEDE) means the sum of the deep dose equivalent for external exposures and the committed effective dose equivalent for internal exposures.

  • Cryptocurrency means a digital or electronic medium of exchange, operating independently of a central bank, in which encryption techniques are used to regulate generation of units and to verify transfer of units from one person to another.

  • Base Currency Equivalent means, with respect to an amount on a Valuation Date, in the case of an amount denominated in the Base Currency, such Base Currency and, in the case of an amount denominated in a currency other than the Base Currency (the “Other Currency”), the amount of Base Currency required to purchase such amount of the Other Currency at the spot exchange rate determined by the Valuation Agent for value on such Valuation Date.