Initial Device definition

Initial Device means the reusable Dreamboat® inhaler and associated cartridges that is intended to be the utilized in the Initial Product.
Initial Device means the Initial Product together with its respective Secondary Packaging, as described in detail in the Initial Device Specifications.
Initial Device means aragonite based off-the-shelf implant for use in cartilage and osteochondral defects in traumatic and osteoarthritic joints proprietary to the Company that is the subject of the Pivotal Clinical Trial and that is currently known as Agili-C™, together with all improvements, modifications, or alterations thereto which may be implemented by or on behalf of Company during the Option Period.

Examples of Initial Device in a sentence

  • During Phase 1 the key activity to be performed by Aesica and/or its Affiliates will be an Initial Device Characterisation Study.

  • But the encoder cannot store more than 31 characters, the name is truncated without warning.37384When using the Initial Device Scan to assign new IP addresses for new devices, ensure to not configure duplicate IP addresses.35506When configuring a Workflow alarm, do not use links containing a URL.

  • Buyer agrees that it shall only deliver a Deemed Achievement Notice if (i) the FDA has issued a label with respect to the Initial Device and (ii) the Buyer believes in good faith that the Regulatory Approval Milestone has been achieved.

  • In preparing these financial statements, management has made judgments, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of the Company’s accounting policies and the reported amount of assets, liabilities, income and expenses and contingent assets and liabilities.

  • Company will either waive or credit the monitoring fee Customer pays on the Initial Device for thirty (30) days from Order Date (as defined in Section 6.1, above).

  • The combined first and second installment payments for the Initial Device Payment Amount will be $309,082,312.

  • Fig.9 Initial Device Server interfaceIn Figure 9 the Device Server is running with a Logitech joystick and a Wiimote connected to it.

  • The combined first and second installment payments for the Initial Device Return Amount will be no less than $136,618,500, but is subject to increase depending on the number of Registered and Enrolled Recalled Devices returned by Users pursuant to the Recall Programs or the Settlement as of the date of MDL Court Final Approval.

  • See “8.3 Specifying Initial Device Settings for Using Job History Data Send” (p.

  • In the event the first installment of the Initial Device Payment Amount is insufficient to pay Device Payment Awards to Users electing the AIO option, the Philips Defendants shall deposit additional funds from the second installment to make those payments.

Related to Initial Device

  • medical device means any instrument, apparatus, appliance, software, implant, reagent, material or other article intended by the manufacturer to be used, alone or in combination, for human beings for one or more of the following specific medical purposes:

  • Control device means equipment (such as an incinerator or carbon adsorber) used to reduce, by destruction or removal, the amount of air contaminants in an air stream prior to discharge to the ambient air.

  • Monitoring device means the total equipment used to measure and record (if applicable) process parameters.

  • in vitro diagnostic medical device means any medical device which is a reagent, reagent product, calibrator, control material, kit, instrument, apparatus, equipment, software or system, whether used alone or in combination, intended by the manufacturer to be used in vitro for the examination of specimens, including blood and tissue donations, derived from the human body, solely or principally for the purpose of providing information:

  • Residential Development means lands, buildings or structures developed or to be developed for residential use;

  • Initial Development Plan has the meaning set forth in Section 3.2(b).

  • Access Device means a card, plate, code, account number, per- sonal identification number, electronic serial number, mobile identi- fication number, or other telecommunications service, equipment, or instrument identifier or means of account access that alone or in conjunction with another device may be used to:

  • Assisted amusement device means an amusement device, skill device, or ride

  • Alcohol Screening Device (ASD) means a breath or saliva device, other than an Evidential Breath Testing Device (EBT), that is approved by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and placed on its Conforming Products List for such devices.

  • Clinical Development means the conduct of clinical trials in humans to assess the dosing, safety and/or efficacy of the Product, including but not limited to Phase I Clinical Trials, Phase II Clinical Trials, Phase Ill Clinical Trials and Phase IV Clinical Trials.

  • local spatial development framework means a local spatial development framework contemplated in section 9;

  • Assistive technology device means any item, piece of equipment, or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capacities of a child with a disability.

  • spatial development framework means the Mhlontlo Municipal Spatial Development Framework prepared and adopted in terms of sections 20 and 21 of the Act and Chapter 2 of this By-Law;

  • Development Site means any parcel or lot on which exists or which is intended for building development other than the following:

  • Individual monitoring devices means devices designed to be worn by a single individual for the assessment of dose equivalent. For purposes of these regulations, "personnel dosimeter" and "dosimeter" are equivalent terms. Examples of individual monitoring devices are film badges, thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs), pocket ionization chambers, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimeters and personal air sampling devices.

  • Mobile Device means a computing device, typically smaller than a notebook, which runs a mobile operating system, such as iOS, Android, or Windows Phone. Mobile Devices include smart phones, most tablets, and other form factors.

  • Spot-film device means a device intended to transport or position a radiographic image receptor between the X-ray source and fluoroscopic image receptor. It includes a device intended to hold a cassette over the input end of an image intensifier for the purpose of making a radiograph.

  • Commercial Development means any development on private land that is not heavy industrial or residential. The category includes, but is not limited to: hospitals, laboratories and other medical facilities, educational institutions, recreational facilities, plant nurseries, car wash facilities, mini-malls and other business complexes, shopping malls, hotels, office buildings, public warehouses and other light industrial complexes.

  • municipal spatial development framework means a municipal spatial development framework adopted by the Municipality in terms of Chapter 5 of the Municipal Systems Act;

  • CE marking means a marking by which the manufacturer indicates that the product is in conformity with the applicable requirements set out in Union harmonisation legislation providing for its affixing;

  • Traffic control device means a flagger, sign, signal, marking, or other device used to regulate, warn or guide traffic, placed on, over, or adjacent to a street, highway, private road open to public travel, pedestrian facility, or shared-use path by authority of a public agency or official having jurisdiction, or, in the case of a private road open to public travel, by authority of the private owner or private official having jurisdiction.

  • Ignition interlock device means a device that, without tampering or intervention by another person, would prevent the defendant from operating a motor vehicle if the defendant has a blood or breath alcohol concentration of five-hundredths (0.05) or greater; and

  • Secondary dose monitoring system means a system which will terminate irradiation in the event of failure of the primary dose monitoring system.

  • Collaborative drug therapy management means participation by an authorized pharmacist and a physician in the management of drug therapy pursuant to a written community practice protocol or a written hospital practice protocol.

  • Gambling device means a mechanical, electromechanical, or electronic device, machine, slot

  • Manufacturing Facility means buildings and structures, including machinery and equipment, the primary purpose of which is or will be the manufacture of tangible goods or materials or the processing of such goods or materials by physical or chemical change.