Examples of Inner Area in a sentence
RESOLVED – That consideration of this matter be deferred to allow Education Leeds the opportunity to consider views arising from discussions at a recent North West (Inner) Area Committee meeting.
The same trend is observed for wells drilled during the Operation Phase.
Minute 140 - A decision of the NW (Inner) Area Committee taken on 7th December 2006 and relevant to this matter.
PERMITS PER HOUSEHOLDWithin Winchester, each permit zone is classified as either Inner Area or Outer Area.
Reference was made to the decision of the North West (Inner) Area Committee of 7th December 2006.Appendix 1 to the report was designated exempt under Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3).
The Core Strategy provides an overview ofBlackpool’s economy, social, housing and environmental issues, recognising that over 80% of the Borough is developed, with an intensely compact Inner Area which experiences acute levels of deprivation, which has led to communities with extreme health, social and economic inequalities.
The Outer Area is defined as all areas of the Central Plateau beyond the boundary of the Inner Area.
The Head of Parks and Countryside submitted a report seeking to further develop the relationship between the Parks and Countryside Service and the North West Inner Area Committee.
Dr R Tyler, Leeds HMO Lobby referred to the above issue and enquired if the North West Area Manager had written to Councillor A Carter regarding the Area Committee’s recommendations to theExecutive Board that a policy of additional licensing was needed for all houses in multiple occupation within the North West Inner Area.
RESOLVED – That meetings of the North East Inner Area Committee be held on the following dates during the 2008/09 Municipal Year: Monday, 23 June 2008 Monday, 1 September 2008 Monday, 20 October 2008 Monday, 1 December 2008 Monday, 2 February 2009 Monday, 16 March 2009 All meetings to commence at 4.00 p.m. Venues to be confirmed.