Examples of Institutional Entities in a sentence
Both the counterparties to the trade are Members of Rupee Derivatives Segment; Counterparties to trades undertaken with Institutional Entities, shall be market makers.
Pursuant to the Directive of the Israel Securities Authority of November 30, 2011, titled “Disclosure pertaining to Votes by Stakeholders, Senior Officers and Institutional Entities at Meetings,” shareholders who participate in the vote are required to inform the Company, before voting at the Meeting, of their being stakeholders, senior officers or institutional investors, as such terms are defined in the aforementioned Directive, as well as additional details referred to under the Directive.
Equity Securitiesi-AAA2INVESTORPension FundsReal state assets tradeRevenues derived by the economic use of propertiesRetail InvestorsOther Institutional Entities Insurance CompaniesOther Legal EntitiesCREDITSBONDSOrdinary bondsi-AA+3Bondholder’s legal representativeBANKSPLACE M EN T AGENTREGULATOR Y ENTI TI E S<..
Subtitle F of the 2007 EISA, Institutional Entities, Section 471 establishes Energy Sustainability and Efficiency Grants and Loans for Institutions.30 It authorizes appropriations of $250 million per year for grants and $500 million per year for a revolving fund for loans to implement energy efficiency improvements and sustainable energy infrastructure loans for fiscal years 2009 through 2013 to support institutions, including public housing.
Pursuant to the directive of the Israel Securities Authority dated November 30, 2011, titled “Disclosure pertaining to Votes by Stakeholders, Senior Officers and Institutional Entities at Meetings” shareholders who participate in the vote are required to inform the Company, before voting at the Meeting, of their being stakeholders, senior officers or institutional investors, as such terms are defined in the aforementioned directive, as well as additional details as required under the directive.
If she agrees, the second chapter will report her as a roster addition on the Roster Additions Report on the Officer Portal.
This deposit must remain frozen until allotment of securities; the covering of the remainder will be appraised by the IP member, which may accept to cover the remainder in full on mere request.This provision concerns neither the Moroccan investors qualified by nature according to Article 12-3 of Dahir providing Law n° 1-93-212, nor Moroccan Banks, nor Authorized Investment Institutional Entities of foreign law;▪ Subscriptions must be made by the subscriber himself.
Baoding set up an MSC as a subsidiary of the Baoding Drainage Company, which is registered as an institutional entity with financial autonomy in accordance with the Provisional Regulation on Registration of Institutional Entities.
The model classifies the parties into two types: Institutional Entities (“IE”) and Individuals (“IND”).
Finally, 38% of the Institutional Entities contacted, which corresponds to 9 institutions, have done the interview.