Examples of Intake structure in a sentence
The EPA’s July 22, 2016 letter recommended that screening over the mouth of associated intake structures shall have a mesh size no larger than 2 mm; Intake structure velocities shall not exceed 0.5 feet per second; The intake structure shall be positioned to minimize impingement/entrainment of sensitive life stages of aquatic species, e.g., recessed away from the waterway, positioned perpendicular to the predominant direction of flow.
The scheme involves construction of Intake structure, WTP, water reservoir, laying of transmission main and further distribution to end users by various distribution networks through gravitation.
Alternative – 1: Layout with Surface Power House and other components of this scheme are Upper reservoir, Intake structure, Penstock / Pressure Shaft, Tail Race Outlet and Tail Race Channel.Alternative -2: Layout with underground Power House and other components of this scheme are Upper reservoir, Intake structure, Pressure Shaft, Tail Race Tunnel, Tail Race Outlet and Tail Race Channel.Alternative -1 The Alternative – 1 layout is proposed with surface power house.
Also, land will be required for the construction of power house complex and its appurtenant works Viz., Intake structure, Penstocks / Pressure Shafts, powerhouse, Tail Race Pool, Tail Race Channel etc.
The inspectors’ reviews focused specifically on the following plant systems due to their risk significance or susceptibility to cold weather issues: • Emergency service water (ESW);• Plant heating boiler; and• Intake structure traveling screens.This inspection constituted one winter seasonal readiness preparations sample as defined in Inspection Procedure (IP) 71111.01-05.
An RCC Intake structure proposed at this location envisages construction of 45.0m high Concrete Gravity Intake structure for 200m long and non over flow rock f ill embankment of average height around 12m to 14m with maximum height of 35m for short reach for formation of upper reservoir.
Alternative – 1: Layout with Surface Power House and other components of this scheme are Upper reservoir, Intake structure, Penstock / Pressure Shaft, Tail Race Outlet, Tail Race Channel and Lower reservoir.Alternative -2: Layout with underground Power House and other components of this scheme are Upper reservoir, Intake structure, Penstock / Pressure Shaft, Tail Race Outlet, Tail Race Channel and Lower reservoir.Alternative -1 The Alternative – 1 layout is proposed with surface power house.
Intake structure dredging will be greatly reduced due to the diminished residual heat removal requirements, and the relocation of the spent fuel to the ISFSI.As previously discussed in Section 5.1.2, the amount of cooling water withdrawn from the Missouri River will significantly decrease thus reducing the potential impacts from impingement and entrainment of aquatic species.
The following are exaoples: excessive bird impaction events; on-site plant or animal disease outbreaks; unusual mortality of any species protected by the Endangered ; Species Act of 1973; fish kills within 1 mile downstream of the Illinois River Intake structure; and, unanticipated or emergency discharges of wastewater or chemical substances.
The major structures of the sub project are: Intake structure- 7 nos.; Roughening filter- 2 nos.; Slow sand filter- 2 nos.; RVT (50 cum – 3nos, 75cum – 1 no and 100cum – 2 nos of total capacity 425cum) – 6 nos.; Transmission Pipe Line- 39.20 km.; Distribution Pipe Line - 54.30 km.; Chlorine dosing unit – 2 nos, Surface drainage – 0.55 km,Public toilet – 3 no, Institutional toilet -1 no, Solid waste collection vehicle – 1 no and House connection 3599 nos.