Examples of Interior space in a sentence
Interior space includes exterior hall- ways connecting buildings, porticos, and me- chanical systems used to condition interior space.
Interior space for unloading of the many residential deliveries (such as Amazon, USPS packages) should be provided.
It is assumed there are two queues in the system, one for the messages with specific delay objective (Qd) and the other for those without delay objective (the best effort messages, Qnd).
In general, the following deployment site needs (established for a single MRU) should be considered prior to deploying mobile oiled bird rehabilitation units: Interior space: 10,000 square feet of concrete or asphalt (not gravel) under cover, ideally with loading dock.
The total “COUNTIF” times were added together and then divided by the total number ofworking days to determine the probability to achieve a specific mark-up percentage.
Interior space includes exterior hallways connecting buildings, porticos, and mechanical systems used to condition interior space.
Interior space planning involves mechanical/electrical systems and other areas requiring expertise beyond the capabilities of the average person.
Interior space should offer lockable storage space for confidential material.
Interior space is designated at a rate of one zone for approximately each 1,000 square feet and one diffuser for each 000 xxxxxx xxxx xx xxxxxx xxxxxx footage within the Premises.
Tinted or reflective glazing is not permitted.l. Interior space configurations shall provide an unobstructed view into the building or product display window from an adjacent sidewalk.m. For all front windows, at least 75% of the glass area shall be unobstructed by signage, including advertisements, screens, and window coverings.