Customer Premises Equipment definition

Customer Premises Equipment or "CPE" means equipment employed on the premises of a Person other than a Carrier to originate, route or terminate Telecommunications (e.g., a telephone, PBX, modem pool, etc.).
Customer Premises Equipment or “CPE” means the components and accessories installed at the premises of the subscriber to enable the reception of broadcasting services related to television provided through addressable systems and includes cable wire, set top box, remote control for set top box, dish antenna, low noise block converter or any other equipment which may be necessary to receive broadcasting services related to television.
Customer Premises Equipment means telecommunications equipment, including telephone instruments, on the premises of a public safety answering point that is used in answering and responding to 9-1-1 system calls.

Examples of Customer Premises Equipment in a sentence

  • The Customer recognizes that no right, title or interest in the software contained in the Customer Premises Equipment vests in the Customer.

  • The Customer is responsible for the care and safety of the Customer Premises Equipment and must not add to, modify, reverse engineer, decompile or in any way interfere with the Customer Premises Equipment or any embedded software supplied as part of the Customer Premises Equipment nor allow anyone (other than an authorized FAHARI LINK representative) to do so.

  • FAHARI LINK provides the Customer with Customer Premise Equipment to assure compatibility of its Network and Services and the Customer must not in any way interfere, alter or modify the Customer Premises Equipment or any embedded software supplied as part of the Customer Premises Equipment nor allow anyone (other than an authorized FAHARI LINK representative) to do so.

  • FAHARI LINK shall use all reasonable endeavours to disconnect the Customer Premises Equipment from the Network and to uninstall and recover the Customer Premise Equipment for the Customer Site immediately upon notice to do so.

  • Save where title to the Customer Premises Equipment has passed to the Customer following the payment to FAHARI LINK by the Customer of any monies payable for the purchase of the Customer Premises Equipment, the Customer shall be liable to FAHARI LINK for any loss of or damage to the Customer Premises Equipment, except where such loss or damage is due to fair wear and tear or is caused by FAHARI LINK, or anyone acting on FAHARI LINK’s instructions.

More Definitions of Customer Premises Equipment

Customer Premises Equipment or “CPE” means any equipment, systems, Software, cabling and facilities, including without limitation, handsets and other related materials, which is sold or otherwise furnished by Verizon to Customer as itemized in an Order.
Customer Premises Equipment means Telecommunications Apparatus (including any extension wiring and sockets) located at Your Premises and connected to a Telecommunications Network at a Network Termination Point.
Customer Premises Equipment means any Customer Equipment and Purchased Equipment used by you in connection with the Service(s).
Customer Premises Equipment means equipment located on the customer premises side of the demarcation point with the telecommunications service provider and used to serve one customer at the location.
Customer Premises Equipment means equipment required by a customer for the provision of services to that customer and which is not located at the premises of a Group Company;
Customer Premises Equipment means an item of Approved Equipment, whether fixed or portable, by means of which signals are initially transmitted or ultimately received and is connected, or intended to be connected, to Terminal Connection Equipment.
Customer Premises Equipment or “CPE” means the equipment, located at the Customer’s Site, used to terminate the IP VPN Service, whether supplied by Customer or Liquid;