Intermediate Point definition
Examples of Intermediate Point in a sentence
A Customer that selects the Millennium Interconnect or a North Lateral Intermediate Point as a Point of Injection/Withdrawal under its FSS Service Agreement shall designate a quantity, not to exceed its Maximum Daily Withdrawal Quantity, that shall represent firm capacity on the North Lateral that is a component of its FSS Service ("North Lateral Maximum Daily Quantity") for which Customer shall pay the North Lateral Reservation Rate.
A Customer may add the Millennium Interconnect or a North Lateral Intermediate Point as a Point of Injection/Withdrawal and, in so doing, shall designate a North Lateral Maximum Daily Quantity, not to exceed its Maximum Daily Withdrawal Quantity, for which it shall pay the North Lateral Reservation Rate.
A Customer that selects the TGP Interconnect or a South Lateral Intermediate Point as a Point of Injection/Withdrawal under its FSS Service Agreement shall designate a quantity, not to exceed its Maximum Daily Withdrawal Quantity, that shall represent firm capacity on the South Lateral that is a component of its FSS Service ("South Lateral Maximum Daily Quantity") for which Customer shall pay the South Lateral Reservation Rate.
A Customer may add the TGP Interconnect or a South Lateral Intermediate Point as a Point of Injection/Withdrawal and, in so doing, shall designate a South Lateral Maximum Daily Quantity, not to exceed its Maximum Daily Withdrawal Quantity, for which it shall pay the South Lateral Reservation Rate.
Intermediate Points, especially in combination with Flex PaP, also allow stops for train handling, e.g. loco change, driver change, etc.An Intermediate Point can be combined with a Handover Point.
Intermediate Points also allow stops for train handling, e.g. loco change, driver change, etc.An Intermediate Point can be combined with a Handover Point.
Where no fix is available or appropriate, the segments begin and end at specified points; for example, Intermediate Point (IP) and final approach point (FAP).
On the maps, this is shown as: o Intermediate Pointo Intermediate Point combined with Handover Point Operational PointTrain handling (e.g. loco change, driver change) are possible as defined in the PaP section.
Intermediate Pointsalso allow stops for train handling, e.g. loco change, driver change, etc.An Intermediate Point can be combined with a Handover Point.On the maps, this is shown as: o Intermediate Pointo Intermediate Point combined with Handover Point Operational PointTrain handling (e.g. loco change, driver change) are possible as defined in the PaP section.
There is no other MEG Intermediate Point (MIP) or MEP in the same MEG within the same node.Per-interface MEP is a MEP which is located on a specific interface within the node.