Intermittent nursing services definition
Examples of Intermittent nursing services in a sentence
A residence does not include a hospital, nursing facility, or intermediate care facility (ICF-DD)..Shared Care Option – HCN: An option for two members to share the same nurse in the same setting at the same time.Skilled Nurse Visits (SNV): Intermittent nursing services ordered by a physician for a member whose illness, injury, physical, or mental condition creates a need for the service.
A residence does not include a hospital, nursing facility, or intermediate care facility..Shared Care Option – HCN: An option for two members to share the same nurse in the same setting at the same timeSkilled Nurse Visits (SNV): Intermittent nursing services ordered by a physician for a member whose illness, injury, physical, or mental condition creates a need for the service.
REGULATORY GUIDANCEResident characteristics Intermittent nursing services Assessments, NSAs Qualified assessorNurse Practice Act WAC 388-78A-2310Intermittent nursing services.