Examples of Interruptible rate in a sentence
Interruptible rate customers shall be obligated to take or pay for a minimum quantity of one million two hundred thousand (1,200,000) cubic feet of gas annually.
The I-6 Interruptible rate was closed to most customers on November 26, 1996 but remains available to eligible customers.
The I-6 Interruptible rate remains available to business customers who use 500 kW or more and meet one of the following eligibility criteria: • A customer currently on an interruptible rate who is expanding operations and adds new load can also have the new load served under an interruptible rate.
ENO Reply Brief at 54.Factor, High Voltage, and Large Interruptible rate classes in proportion to their base rate revenue requirements; andWHEREAS, the other primary difference between ENO’s proposal and the Advisors’ proposal is the timing and size of the increases to Algiers’ rates.
The rules in this manual do not currently a pply to: • Low-income energy efficiency programs funded by the electric or gas PGC• California Alternative Rates for Energy (CARE) for low -income customers funded out of electric or gas PGC 2• Interruptible rate or load management programs 3• Self-generation and demand -responsiveness programs developed in response to AB970 (PU Code Section 399.15(b)).
For the HVF and Interruptible rate classes, 35% of the demand 31 related costs are transferred to the commodity category and recovered in their respective 32 commodity charges.
The Regulations ensure consistency to a point with the requirement for 70% of schools budgets to be set based on pupil numbers.It is essential to ensure that resources are targeted where they are most needed, and that authorities work closely with schools to ensure that the investment leads to real improvements in the quality of education received by pupils.
Yuima has developed an Agricultural Interruptible rate for customers who meet the eligibility criteria indicated in the Rules and Regulations Governing Water Service.
The rules in this manual do not currently apply to: • Low-income energy efficiency programs (LIEE) funded by the electric PGC or gas surcharges• California Alternative Rates for Energy (CARE) for low-income customers funded out of electric or gas PGC1• Interruptible rate or load management programs2• Self-generation and demand-responsiveness programs developed in response to AB970 (PU Code Section 399.15(b)).3 This document supersedes all previous versions of the Energy Efficiency Policy Manual.
Interruptible rate programs provide a rate discount or bill credit to the customer for curtailing or shedding load upon request.