Investigating official means the In- spector General of the Department of the Interior or an officer or employee of the Office of Inspector General des- ignated by the Inspector General and serving in a position for which the rate of basic pay is not less than the min- imum rate of basic pay for grade GS–16 under the General Schedule.
Investigating official means an individual who—
Investigating official means theInspector General of the FDIC, or an officer or employee of the Inspector General designated by the InspectorGeneral. The investigating official must serve in a position that has a rate ofbasic pay under the pay scale utilized by the FDIC that is equal to or greater than 120 percent of the minimum rate of basic pay for grade 15 under thefederal government ’s General Schedule.
More Definitions of Investigating official
Investigating official means the In- spector General of the FDIC, or an offi- cer or employee of the Inspector Gen- eral designated by the Inspector Gen- eral. The investigating official must serve in a position that has a rate of basic pay under the pay scale utilized by the FDIC that is equal to or greater than 120 percent of the minimum rate of basic pay for grade 15 under the fed- eral government’s General Schedule.
Investigating official. ’ means an individ- ual who—
Investigating official means any individual to whom a report may be made pursuant to K.C.C. 3.42.030.D. or any assistant or representative authorized to receive documents on the investigating official’s behalf.
Investigating official means the In- spector General of the Department of Homeland Security or an officer or em- ployee of the Office of the Inspector General designated by the Inspector General and eligible under 31 U.S.C. 3801(a)(4)(B).
Investigating official means the NSF Makes shall include the terms Person means any individual,
Investigating official means a person appointed to investi- gate the merits of a debarment referral.
Investigating official means a police officer or a person whose functions or duties include functions or duties in respect of the prevention or investigation of offences;