Examples of Investment Agreement Provider in a sentence
Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Investment Agreement Provider does not have a rating with respect to its unsecured short term claims paying ability, it is required to have unsecured long term claims paying ability or unsecured long term debt obligations rating of “Aa3” by Moody’s.
While each Investment Agreement may have differing specifications with respect to the Credit Ratings Downgrade Trigger, the basic arrangement is that if the Investment Agreement Provider credit rating falls below a certain level, it triggers one of several possible actions aimed at curbing or strengthening the ratings decline.
Each of the Investment Agreements that the City of Chino or its Redevelopment Agency (or Wells Fargo Bank acting as a Trustee Bank on behalf of the City) has entered into carries a Credit Rating Downgrade Trigger which is intended to protect the City or Agency against the deterioration of the credit rating of the Investment Agreement Provider.
Consequently, the Government of Ghana, in its efforts to restore economic stability and improve structural resilience, established the Development Bank Ghana (DBG), based on new thinking on development finance.
Alternatively, if the Investment Agreement Provider has a rating with respect to its unsecured short term claims paying ability, the unsecured long term and/or short term claims paying ability or unsecured long term debt obligations, as applicable, of the Investment Agreement Provider must be rated “A 1/P 1,” respectively, or better by Moody’s.