Examples of Investments Committee in a sentence
The Investments Committee ("IC") shall consist of at least two Green Valley Recreation Inc.
The cash at hand and at bank of the Group are invested in short term interest bearing instruments in order to maximize the benefits for the companies of the Group, in accordance with the policy set by the Strategic Investments Committee of the Company.
SECTION E AD HOC MEMBERS E.1 Ad hoc members may be appointed to serve on the Committee of Actuaries and the Investments Committee, in addition to the regular members of those Committees appointed pursuant to articles 9 and 20 of the Regulations of the Fund, respectively.
The opinions and decisions of the Strategy and Investments Committee are made by a simple majority of the members present or represented.
COMMITTEES OF THE BOARDS Each Board has four standing committees: an Audit Committee, an Investments Committee, a Valuation Committee and a Committee on Directors/Trustees.
At its meeting of 31 January 2011, the Board decided to establish a Strategy and Investments Committee, a Appointments and Compensation Committee and an Audit Committee (the “Committees”).The members of the Committees are chosen from among the members of the Board.
Each Investments Committee is responsible for: (i) overseeing AIM's investment-related compliance systems and procedures to ensure their continued adequacy; and (ii) considering and acting, on an interim basis between meetings of the full Board, on investment-related matters requiring Board consideration, including dividends and distributions, brokerage policies and pricing matters.
In order to prevent the occurrence of Conflicts of Interests (as defined below) at Board or Committees meetings, a procedure for the prevention of Conflicts of Interests, albeit only potential, is established in connection with the presentation of the investment project documents submitted to the Board and/or the Strategy and Investments Committee.
Investments Committee The current members of each Trust's Investments Committee are Messrs.
In this respect, they shall be prevented from attending the meeting of the Board or of the Strategy and Investments Committee during the review of the items on the agenda to which the Conflict of Interests refers.