Examples of IOPC Fund in a sentence
The most developed liability regime has been established by the 1992 International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage (CLC 1992), complemented by the 1992 Convention creating the International Oil Pollution Fund (IOPC Fund) and the 2003 Protocol creating a Supplementary Fund with the same objective.
Secondly, oil pollution claimants under the CLC are given the additional protection of the second tier of liability provided by the IOPC Fund, and now the third tier Supplementary Fund.223 The Bunker Oil Convention is a one-tier convention; this is a necessary consequence of it being a stand-alone convention, not allied with the CLC or HNS Convention, and where there is no recognisable industry body which could finance a second tier.
The International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund 1992, generally referred to as the IOPC Fund 1992 or the 1992 Fund was set up under the 1992 Fund Convention.
The IOPCF consists of two Funds: the 1992 IOPC Fund and the 2003 Supplementary Fund.
The Assembly of the IOPC Fund 1992 established an HNS Focus Group which produced a Draft Protocol to the Convention.
It should be born in mind that international compensation regimes include wildlife response as one of the issues that can be included in a claim (see the Claims Manual published by the IOPC Fund in 20084).
In the case of major tanker spills, the club involved will usually set up a claims office locally in collaboration with the IOPC Fund to handle claims.
The Administrator of the SOPF is a party by statute to any litigation in the Canadian courts commenced by a claimant against a shipowner, its guarantor, or the 1992 IOPC Fund.
The 1992 CLC and the 1992 IOPC Fund Convention do not, by their definition of pollution dam- age, cover this latter sort of compensation provided by the NRDA regulations or other theoretically based assessments of environmental damage.
At the March 2001 sessions of the Third Intersessional Work- ing Group of the 1992 IOPC Fund, ITOPF presented its views on compensation for environmen- tal damages under the international 1992 Civility Liability and Fund Conventions.