Examples of IP Australia in a sentence
Addresses for service of applicants not represented by an independent attorney or firm are viewable atwww.ipaustralia.gov.au and on sale at the IP Australia State Offices.
Requests for information may be obtained by calling at, phoning or writing to these offices or IP Australia, Canberra.
LIST OF STATE OFFICES IP Australia State Offices are located in the Australian Capitals at the addresses given below.
The italic typeface indicates that IP Australia classifies into the advanced level of IPC.
More information and links to the legislation are available on the IP Australia web site.
IP Australia incorporates the Patent, Trade Mark and Designs Offices which administer the Patents Act 1990, the Trade Marks Act 1995, the Designs Act 1906 and associated regulations as well as the Olympic Insignia Protection Act 1987 and the Scout Association Act 1924.
It is wise for any U.S. exporter intending to market a product in Australia to check with the trademarks office at IP Australia to ensure that its mark or name is not already in use.
IP Australia is the Federal Government agency responsible for registrations of patents, trademarks and designs.
IP Australia operates an Improvement Log which captures suggestions for improvement from staff.
IP Australia also has an electronic system for international search and examination work (INTESS).