Japan definition
Examples of Japan in a sentence
In the event the U.S. Embassy or the U.S. DOS orders that all non-essential American Citizens must evacuate from Japan (mandatory evacuation), that order shall serve as authorization for the Supplier CES team to stop work and evacuate at the Seller’s discretion.
If Customer is entering into the Agreement from a European Union member country, United Kingdom, Norway, Switzerland, Japan, India or Australia, then the Agreement is governed by the laws of Ireland and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Ireland.
Because the big three in Detroit—General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler—have said they are not capa- ble of producing more fuel-efficient cars to compete with those that are being imported from Japan.
For the purposes of this Administrative Arrangement, “Agreement” means the Agreement between the Czech Republic and Japan on Social Security, signed at Prague on the 21st day of February 2008.
Authorization to return to Japan shall only be approved by the entity that made the official order, and authorized by the release of an official notice that it is safe/advised to return.