Examples of Job Training Partnership Act in a sentence
Please note: SSA or SSI do not qualify.)d) At least one member is enrolled in a job training program receiving assistance under the Work Investment Act (WIA) formerly known as the Job Training Partnership Act, or similar federal, state, or local laws as defined by HUD 4350.3 REV-1;e) The household consists of a tenant under the age of 24, who has exited the Foster Care system within the last 6 years.II.
Earned income from work and training programs such as the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) received by an adult as wages is considered as any other earned income.
Such consideration, however, shall not bind or obligate Lessee or any Affiliate to hire any person through the Federal Job Training Partnership Act programs.
Parents of youth eligible for WIA youth services or who were served under a Job Training Partnership Act youth program;e.
In addition, the governor shall approve any requests from any unit of general local government, or consortium of contiguous units of general local government, that was a service delivery area under the federal Job Training Partnership Act, provided that it is determined that the area performed successfully in each of the last two program years and has sustained the fiscal integrity of funds.
Where a unit of general local government in a service delivery area does not wish to participate in the Iowa Job Training Partnership Act program by entering a consortium agreement, the unit shall by board resolution or other appropriate legal action indicate its election not to participate.
The definition of JTPA terms such as private industry council (PIC), local elected official (LEO), service delivery area (SDA), administrative entity and Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) can be found in the Job Training Partnership Act (P.L. 97-300) and its implementing regulations at 20 CFR Part 626 et al.
Priority for employment shall be provided to an individual who is enrolled in a qualified program under the federal Job Training Partnership Act or the Greater Avenues for Independence Act of 1985 or who is eligible as a member of a targeted group under the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (Section 51 of the Internal Revenue Code), or its successor.
Pursuant to former section 2940(b) of Title 29, references to a provision of the Job Training Partnership Act, effective Aug.
Resources used for economic development, public services and infrastructure activities included Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Community Services Block Grant (CSBG),U.S. Department of Agriculture/Head Start, Economic Development Initiatives (EDI), HUD 108 Loan Guarantees, Job Training Partnership Act, State Gas Tax, State Library Grant, Local Tax Revenues and Oakland Redevelopment Agency.